
Adopting Resolution 2413 (2018), Security Council Takes Note of Secretary General¡¯s Proposals to More Speedily Implement United Nations Peacebuilding Agenda

The Security Council, acting in parallel with the General Assembly today, took note of a raft of proposals by Secretary?General Ant¨®nio Guterres on ways to accelerate the United Nations ¡°Peacebuilding and sustaining peace¡± agenda, as well as the Assembly¡¯s decision to track progress towards its implementation. ?(For more information, please see Press Release?GA/12014.)

Unanimously adopting resolution?2413?(2018) on the heels of the Assembly¡¯s high?level meeting on peacebuilding and sustaining peace ¡ª and a similar high?level briefing to the Council ¡ª the 15?member body welcomed the report of the Secretary?General (document?) and took note of the recommendations and options contained therein. ?It also took note of the Assembly¡¯s decision to invite relevant United Nations bodies and organs ¡ª including the Peacebuilding Commission, established in?2005 to support peace efforts in conflict?affected countries ¡ª to further advance, explore and consider their implementation.

Also by the terms of the resolution, the Council took note of the Assembly¡¯s decision to request the Secretary?General to present, during its seventy?third session, an interim report further elaborating on his recommendations and options, including those on financing for United Nations peacebuilding activities.? It also took note of the Assembly¡¯s decision to request the Secretary?General to submit a detailed report on the issue during its seventy?fourth session.

The meeting began at 4:50?p.m. and ended at 4:55?p.m.


The full text of resolution 2413?(2018) reads as follows:

¡°¸é±ð³¦²¹±ô±ô¾±²Ô²µ?the relevant mandates, decisions and resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly, as well as Security Council Presidential Statements?S/PRST/2017/27 of 21?December?2017 and?S/PRST/2018/1 of 18?January?2018,

¡°¸é±ð²¹´Ú´Ú¾±°ù³¾¾±²Ô²µ?its resolution?2282?(2016) of 27?April?2016 and General Assembly resolution?70/262, and taking note of the efforts and progress made to date as well as encouraging further action by Member States and the United Nations system to implement the resolutions,

¡°°Â±ð±ô³¦´Ç³¾¾±²Ô²µ?the consultations with Member States undertaken by the Secretary?General with respect to his reform proposals and taking note of the ongoing work in this regard,

¡°Taking note?of the discussions on peacebuilding and sustaining peace at the high?level briefing of the Security Council held on 25?April?2018 and at the high?level meeting of the General Assembly held on 24?25?April?2018,

¡°1.???Welcomes?presentation of the Secretary?General¡¯s report on Peacebuilding and sustaining peace (document?A/72/707?S/2018/43), takes note with appreciation of the recommendations and options it contains and decides to discuss them further;

¡°2.???Takes note?of the General Assembly decision to invite the relevant United Nations bodies and organs, including the Peacebuilding Commission, to further advance, explore and consider implementation, as appropriate, of the recommendations and options contained in the report of the Secretary?General, in accordance with the established procedures, during the seventy?second and seventy?third sessions of the General Assembly;

¡°3.???Takes note?of the General Assembly decision to request the Secretary?General to present to the General Assembly, during its seventy?third session, an interim report further elaborating on his recommendations and options, including those on financing for United Nations peacebuilding activities;

¡°4.???Takes note?of the General Assembly decision to request the Secretary?General to submit to the General Assembly, during its seventy?fourth session, a detailed report in connection with the next comprehensive review of the United Nations peacebuilding architecture, focusing on continued implementation of its resolution?70/262 and progress of implementation of the recommendations and options contained in his report on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace;

¡°5.???Decides?to remain seized of the matter.¡±


This article was originally published in Meeting Coverage.?