
Contribute to the Trust Fund

Who can contribute to the Trust Fund?

Pledges to the Trust Fund can be made from Governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, private institutions or individuals.

Procedure to make pledges and transfer funds

The making of a pledge and its acceptance are to be recorded in an exchange of letters (letter of commitment or Note Verbale) between the UN and the contributing party, or, if deemed appropriate, in a more formal agreement.

Use of voluntary financial contributions

  • Contributions will be received preferably as “un-earmarked funds”, meaning the funds would not be received with specific direction for a particular project, service provider or geographical area.
  • Contributions shall preferably be used as “pooled funds” meaning in conjunction with other funds and with no specific date by which the funds will be utilized.
  • All cost plans for the Trust Fund, including those for operational activities, include provision for programme support costs at the rate of 13% of the total annual expenditures.
  • The Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance, as the Trust Fund Implementing Office, will issue an annual narrative and financial report on the overall use of the Trust Fund, rather than individual contributor reports.   

Flexibility on arrangements can be discussed with the Trust Fund Implementing Office.

Any additional information on the Trust Fund may be requested to Yasna Uberoi (uberoi@un.org), Programme Officer/Conduct and Discipline Service


Contributions to the Trust Fund can be made by governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, private institutions, or individuals.

Between 2016 and 2024, the Trust Fund portfolio received voluntary contributions from 25 Member States (Albania, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Canada, Cyprus, Ecuador, Finland, Germany India, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Nepal, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Uganda, United Kingdom, and United States) in the amount of over USD 5.1 million, including approximately USD 935,000 representing payments withheld following substantiated allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations personnel.

Learn more about how to contribute [PDF]


contributing countries

Account Information

Pledges of contributions will be accepted by the Controller, in the following bank account:

  • Account Name: United Nations General Trust Fund
  • Account Number: 485-0019-69
  • Bank: J. P. Morgan Chase, International Agencies Bank Group
  • ABA Number: 021-000-021
  • Beneficiary: Trust Fund to support the victims of sexual exploitation and abuse (32SVB).