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The Global Research Network

Assistant Secretary-General Natalia Gherman, Executive Director of CTED, gives opening remarks at the United Nations General Assembly side event on ※Emerging technologies: Impacts and implications for international counter-terrorism efforts§ co-organized by the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism and CTED on 26 September 2024.
Launched in February 2015, the Global Research Network (GRN), is an informal group of more than 100 organizations that conduct research into trends and developments in terrorism, countering terrorism and countering violent extremism conducive to terrorism. This initiative was aimed at enhancing CTED*s existing research and analysis capabilities, as mandated in resolution 2129 (2013), in which the United Nations Security Council directed CTED to identify emerging issues, trends, and developments pertaining to relevant Council resolutions. CTED*s research mandate was further mentioned in resolutions 2395 (2017) and 2617 (2021), where the Security Council reiterated CTED*s essential role within the United Nations to identify and assess counter-terrorism issues, trends and developments and noted the value of CTED*s relationships with, inter alia, academia, think tanks, and international, regional and subregional organizations in promoting an analysis of emerging threats and trends.
In resolution 2617 (2021), the Council specifically mentioned the GRN, as it recalled ※the importance of work with relevant partners in this area, including through the GRN§ and it noted ※the value of [#] the GRN [#] to support the efforts of the [Counter-Terrorism Committee] to advance implementation of resolutions 1373 (2001), 1624 (2005), 2178 (2014), and 2396 (2017), and other relevant counter-terrorism resolutions and to promote analysis of emerging threats, trends, and developments§.
CTED*s work with the GRN
The Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) promotes the research of GRN partners to States Members of the United Nations to facilitate the evidence-based design of counter-terrorism policies and Security Council resolutions on terrorism. CTED also consults closely with GRN partners to inform its own knowledge and policy design on behalf of the Counter-Terrorism Committee through dedicated thematic and geographical consultations and regular informal briefings.
CTED monitors the research output of all its GRN partners to identify findings to incorporate into policymaking and to highlight to Member States. GRN partners are often invited to in-person and hybrid events at CTED to discuss trends and developments in terrorism and counter-terrorism. CTED occasionally invites GRN members to present their findings to CTED and other United Nations experts as well as to brief members of the Security Council or the General Assembly. GRN partners specializing in particularly technical areas have been invited to contribute to the formulation of guidance by the Counter-Terrorism Committee for Member States and other policy documents.
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