On 28 March 2019, the Security Council, acting pursuant to Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, unanimously adopted resolution 2462 (2019), which built on the provisions of Council resolution 1373 (2001) and was the first Council resolution to be devoted exclusively to preventing and suppressing terrorism financing. Pursuant to paragraph 6 of the resolution, States must ensure that all measures taken to counter terrorism, including measures taken to counter the financing of terrorism as provided for in the resolution, comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, international human rights law and international refugee law.
The UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact Working Groups on ¡°Criminal Justice, Legal Responses and Countering the Financing of Terrorism¡± and ¡°Promoting and Protecting Human Rights and the Rule of Law while Countering Terrorism and Supporting Victims of Terrorism¡± are in the process of developing a guidance document intended to support Member States in their efforts to implement countering terrorism financing measures, in compliance with relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolution 2462 (2019), and in full respect of international human rights law. We anticipate that the guidance document will be published next year. This guidance document will have a format similar to the Guidance to States On Human Rights-Compliant Responses To The Threat Posed By Foreign Fighters, produced by the Working Group on Promoting and Protecting Human Rights and the Rule of Law while countering terrorism in 2018.
All concerned stakeholders are invited to provide any relevant inputs that they may have. It is kindly requested that input be submitted in English or French. Respondents are requested to limit their comments to a maximum of 3,500 words. Additional supporting materials, such as reports, academic studies, and other types of background materials may be annexed to the submission. All submissions will be treated as confidential and the issues raised will not be attributed to specific individuals or organizations.
Inputs (including but not limited to observed trends and/or general observations/findings) focusing on the following areas would be particularly welcome:
- The definition and criminalization of terrorism financing
- Financial investigations
- Asset-freezing
- Sanctions against individuals or entities designated as terrorist
- Financial intelligence and information-sharing
- The role of non-profit organizations
- Impact on humanitarian activities, focusing on the human rights impact, including the right to health, education, an adequate standard of living and non-discrimination. International humanitarian law will not be addressed.
- CFT impact on gender
- The nexus between terrorism financing and trafficking in persons
- The responsibility of the private sector, including financial institutions
Inputs should be sent to un2462quest@un.org by 13 November 2020.
We greatly appreciate the efforts that go into making such contributions and look forward to reading the submissions.