
Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts follow-up visit to United Arab Emirates


On behalf of the Counter-Terrorism Committee, CTED conducted a three-day follow-up visit to the United Arab Emirates from 16 to 18 July 2017 to discuss its progress in implementing Security Council resolutions 1373 (2001) and 1624 (2005), as well as resolution 2178 (2014) on stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters.

The discussions with the Government focused on legislation and judicial practice, countering the financing of terrorism, law enforcement, border management, international cooperation, countering violent extremism that leads to terrorism, the role of women in countering terrorism and violent extremism, and the need for rule-of-law-based responses to terrorism.

The delegation welcomed the progress made by the UAE since the Committee¡¯s initial visit, conducted in 2011.

The Government has taken a number of steps to address the provisions of recent Council resolutions on terrorism and to counter emerging terrorist threats, including the enactment of legislation and the creation of new institutions.

The UAE stressed its commitment to combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, stemming terrorist recruitment, and countering terrorist narratives, through an inclusive approach that empowers all sectors of society.

The UAE also stressed its commitment to promoting moderation, tolerance, and pluralism in order to prevent extremist groups from fuelling hatred and intolerance as a way to recruit individuals to their cause. Those efforts are being undertaken in collaboration with a range of Government agencies, as well as with non-governmental and international partners.

The delegation also visited the Abu Dhabi International Airport and the Advance Passenger Information (API) Centre to assess measures put in place in recent years to regulate the movement of persons and goods and to discuss efforts to advance the implementation of the relevant Council resolutions on terrorism.

In addition to CTED experts, the delegation included representatives of UNODC, UN-Women, and INTERPOL.