On 26 October 2017, the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee held a plenary meeting to discuss public and private partnerships in the fight against the financing of terrorism. Three external experts addressed the Committee on the issue. Mr. Bruno Dalles, Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit (TRACFIN) of France, briefed the Committee inter alia on the value of financial intelligence in counter-terrorism efforts in France. Mr. Paul Horlick, Director and Head of the Financial Intelligence Unit at Barclays Bank, discussed with the Committee the involvement of financial institutions in a dedicated public and private information-sharing platform in the United Kingdom. Finally, Ms. Roseanne Lazer, Compliance Officer at TransferWise Inc., briefed the Committee on the internal compliance policy of her company, as online money-remitter in mitigating terrorist financing risks.
Also during the plenary meeting, CTED provided an overview of its recent report on gaps and recommendations relating to international law enforcement and judicial cooperation pursuant to Security Council resolution 2322 (2016). The report highlights selected challenges to international law enforcement and judicial cooperation, and provides recommendations to the Committee on how to address these gaps, inter alia by identifying good practices of cooperation against FTFs, promoting effective, human-rights complaint MLA and extradition practices, and encouraging the development of guidelines on the sharing of information and evidence for criminal prosecution purposes.