On 14 October 2022, the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), acting on behalf of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC), completed its second follow-up assessment visit to Nigeria. This follow-up visit aimed at assessing progress made by Nigeria since the previous follow-up visit conducted in 2015.
The virtual component of this assessment was conducted between 11 and 27 October 2021 in line with the COVID-19 pandemic-related CTC-approved ¡®hybrid¡¯ approach to assessment visits. The physical component was conducted between 6 and 14 October 2022 and included meetings in Abuja and Maiduguri, as well as on-site visits to Hajj transit camp, Maiduguri Maximum Prison, the border at Banki, and Operation Safe Corridor in the northeast of Nigeria.
CTED was established as a special political mission by Security Council resolution 1535 (2004) to assist the work of the CTC and coordinate the process of monitoring the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). CTED¡¯s work includes conducting expert assessments through country visits to assess Member States¡¯ counter-terrorism efforts, including progress made, remaining shortfalls, and priority areas for technical assistance needs, as well as identifying trends, challenges and good practices employed in the implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions.
Since its inception, CTED has conducted 182 visits to 112 UN Member States on behalf of the Counter-Terrorism Committee, as of September 2022.