
CTED highlights FTF and CVE issues at Dakar Forum


Member States should strengthen their efforts to combat the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs) and to counter violent extremism, CTED told a high-level gathering on peace and security in Africa.

¡°Security Council resolution 2178 (2014) has laid down new requirements for States, which include taking measures to tackle the FTF phenomenon and CVE¡±, CTED Deputy Executive Director Chen Weixiong said.

¡°Capacity-building is needed for States, both from the developing and industrialized world¡±, added Mr. Chen, citing a recent report of the Counter-Terrorism Committee identifying the principal gaps in States¡¯ implementation efforts.

The International Forum on Peace and Security in Africa was held in Dakar, Senegal, from 14 to 16 December 2014.

The high-level forum was attended by around 300 participants, including West African Heads of State, senior officials of the African Union, Defence Minister of France and representatives of international and regional organizations and think tanks.

Participants stressed the need to step up efforts to prevent terrorism, transnational organized crime, and violent extremism through increased cooperation and the establishment of more effective early-warning mechanisms.

CTED works on behalf of the Committee and with its international partners to assist Member States to implement the relevant Security Council resolutions on terrorism, including resolutions 1373 (2001), 1624 (2005), 1963 (2010) and 2178 (2014), by facilitating the delivery of technical assistance on the basis of identified implementation gaps, as well as promotion of good practices.