
CTED holds joint event with UN Special Rapporteur

CTED held a joint event with the UN Special Rapporteur on Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms while Countering Terrorism on 5 November 2019. The joint workshop, hosted by the University of Minnesota Human Rights Center, explored human rights challenges in counter-terrorism, including in relation to the use of databases and watchlists, definitions of terrorism and related offences, gender, detention and repatriation. The workshop, which was attended by experts and researchers (including from CTED¡¯s Global Research Network), explored the challenges to human rights posed by Member State policies regarding each of these thematic issues. Participants, including the Special Rapporteur, highlighted concerns regarding the use of overly broad definitions of terrorism and violent extremism, which had resulted in instances where counter-terrorism or countering violent extremism powers were being used against human rights organisations and advocates, including through their inclusion in databases and watchlists. Significant discussion was also dedicated to current and future Member State policies towards the large number of ISIL-associated women and children currently interned in Northern Syria, including the importance of gender sensitive policies that recognised the different types of roles played by women during their time with the group. CTED welcomed the opportunity to hear the perspectives of the Special Rapporteur and the group of experts and researchers on the centrality of human rights to a diverse range of counter-terrorism measures and emphasized that effective counter-terrorism measures and respect for human rights are complementary and mutually reinforcing.