CTED Senior Legal Officer, Svetlana Martynova, Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Coordinator, briefed the 2023 Joint Experts Meeting of the Financial Action Task Force in New Delhi from 3-5 April 2023.
From 3-5 April 2023, the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) took part in the 2023 Joint Experts Meeting of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in New Delhi, at which over 140 operational experts discussed topics related to the three ongoing projects of the FATF¡¯s Risk, Trends, and Methods Working Group (RTMG): Misuse of Citizenship- and Residency-by-Investment Schemes; Money-Laundering/Terrorism Financing (ML/TF) and Cyber-Enabled Fraud; and Crowdfunding for Terrorism Financing. In addition, the meeting included two broader sessions to explore challenges and possible responses to ML/TF threats. The first of these sessions helped to formulate concrete proposals on next steps for the RTMG project on improving the effectiveness of ML investigations, prosecutions and convictions. The second session, co-moderated by CTED, allowed participants to update their understanding of the TF landscape at the global and regional level and to explore possible responses.
CTED made two presentations, the first on addressing risks related to crowdfunding pursuant to resolution 2462 (2019) and the second on its recently published thematic assessments of gaps in the implementation of key countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) provisions of Security Council resolutions. CTED¡¯s participation also allowed it to promote the relevant commitments of the Delhi Declaration on Countering the Use of New and Emerging Technologies for Terrorist Purposes and gather information on recent TF cases, in particular those involving virtual currency and other new payment technologies, and measures taken by States to detect and suppress TF. In addition, CTED also attended the joint workshop organized by FATF and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) on terrorist financing through hawala and similar services. For more details, please visit: .