
Media Advisory: ASG and CTED Executive Director Laborde to Brief Media on Third Report on Foreign Terrorist Fighters

Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), Mr. Jean-Paul Laborde.


On Friday 26 February 2016, Mr. Jean-Paul Laborde, Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), will be a guest at the Secretary-General¨s Spokesperson¨s noon briefing.

ASG Laborde will brief members of the media on the third in a series of reports adopted by the Security Council on the implementation of resolution 2178 (2014) on stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters (*S/2015/975). The briefing will take place in S-237, beginning at approximately 12:30pm. It will also be webcast.

Additional information, including the previous two reports S/2015/338 and S/2015/683, is available here/here. Details on this event can be found in this document.

For further information, please contact:
Mattias Sundholm, Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, at +1 917-628-
3531, or send an email here.

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