On 22 September 2016, the United Nations Security Council for the first time in its history adopted a resolution focusing on the threat posed by terrorism to civil aviation. Resolution 2309, adopted unanimously by the Council¡¯s 15 members at the level of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, calls on all States to work within the UN International Civil Aviation Organization () to ensure that its international security standards are reviewed and adapted to effectively address the threat stemming from terrorists targeting civil aviation.
Expressing particular concern that terrorist groups are actively seeking ways to defeat or circumvent aviation security, the Council also calls on States to strengthen and promote the effective application of ICAO standards and recommended practices, and to assist the organization in continuing to enhance audit, capacity development, and training programmes to support the implementation of these standards and practices.
The Council encouraged continued cooperation between ICAO and the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) on identifying gaps and vulnerabilities relevant to aviation security.
More information can be found .