On 19 July 2019 at the 8582nd meeting, the Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2482 (2019) concerning the links between international terrorism and organized crime. This resolution reflects the Council¡¯s concern that terrorists can benefit from organized crime as a source of financing or logistical support at a domestic or international level and takes into account that organized crime can take different forms such as trafficking in arms, drugs, artifacts, cultural property and trafficking in persons, as well as the illicit trade in natural resources, crowd funding and proceeds of criminal activity.
As a consequence, the Council calls upon Member States to strengthen their efforts as well as international and regional cooperation to counter the threat to the international community. By other terms of the resolution, the Council calls upon Member States to strengthen border management, to establish appropriate laws and mechanisms for international cooperation, to implement obligations to collect and analyze Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) data, to develop the expertise of their Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs), to consider the ratification and implementation of global instruments and to enhance the exchange of information between public authorities and relevant private sector entities.
Furthermore, the resolution urges Member States to ensure that all measures taken to counter these threats comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, international human rights law and international refugee law. Moreover, the resolution directs the Counter-Terrorism Committee, with the support of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate and in coordination with other relevant UN entities to continue as appropriate, within their mandates, to identify and examine Member States efforts in impeding terrorist groups from benefitting from organized crime and to continue working together to facilitate technical assistance and capacity building and to raise awareness in this area, in particular by strengthening its dialogue with States and relevant international, regional and subregional organizations.
You can access S/Res/2482 (2019) in all UN languages here: .