
Virtual roundtable of the Global Research Network: ¡°20 years of research into emerging threats, trends and developments in terrorism and counter-terrorism¡±

On 28 September 2001, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 1373, establishing the basis of the Security Council¡¯s response in countering the terrorist threat. The resolution also established the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) as a subsidiary body of the Council to assess Member States¡¯ compliance with the resolution¡¯s provisions. In the nearly twenty years since its adoption, the terrorist threat has ebbed and flowed in intensity and evolved in terms of its nature and source. Counter-Terrorism responses have also evolved and expanded in scope during the same time period, with the Council playing an increasingly substantial role through its resolutions and guidance documents.

In its resolution 2395 (2017), the Council recognizes the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate¡¯s (CTED) relationships with relevant experts in (inter alia) academia and think tanks, and takes note of the value of these experts in briefings, workshops, the   (GRN), and open meetings to support the efforts of the CTC to advance implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) and other relevant counter-terrorism resolutions. Resolution 2395 (2017) also reiterates CTED¡¯s essential role of identifying emerging issues, trends and developments relating to the implementation of these resolutions and reiterates the importance of work with relevant partners in this area, including through its GRN.

On 12 January 2021, the Security Council, under the presidency of Tunisia, will hold an event commemorating the 20th anniversary of resolution 1373 (2001) and the establishment of the CTC. In the lead up to, and in support of this event, CTED will organize a virtual GRN roundtable to reflect on key trends, challenges and lessons learned from the last 20 years of countering the terrorist threat.

The purpose of the virtual roundtable is to bring together members of CTED¡¯s GRN with policymakers, practitioners, civil society and other researchers for an interactive discussion on key trends, challenges and lessons learned from the last 20 years of counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism (CVE), focused on how these lessons, trends and challenges should impact future policy responses.

The virtual roundtable of CTED¡¯s GRN ¡°20 years of research into emerging threats, trends and developments in terrorism and counter-terrorism¡± will be held on 7 January 2021 from 09:00 a.m.  to 10:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), and is also open to Member and Observer States, United Nations staff and interns, UN entities, intergovernmental organizations, and specialized agencies.

The virtual roundtable will be held via CISCO WebEx. Interested participants are asked to register at the following link: .

The concept note for the virtual roundtable is available here.

The draft agenda for the virtual roundtable is available here.

The event will also be webcasted at .