Spanish translation unavailable for Message of the Secretary-General to the 3rd Conference of the International Alliance for Arab-Israeli Peace .
Spanish translation unavailable for Questions and Answers with journalists and others following Secretary-General's statement to the Council on Foreign Relations. Following transcript made available by the US Federal News Service (Secretary...
Spanish translation unavailable for Secretary-General's remarks at Museum of Jewish Heritage [as delivered] .
Spanish translation unavailable for Secretary-General's remarks at joint press conference with Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg of Norway .
Spanish translation unavailable for Secretary-General's remarks to the Security Council on the Situation in the Middle East [as delivered] .
Spanish translation unavailable for Note to Correspondents: Transcript of Press Stakeout by United Nations Senior Adviser, Jan Egeland .
Spanish translation unavailable for Secretary-General¡¯s speech at SOAS, University of London, on ¡°Counter-terrorism and human rights: winning the fight while upholding our values¡± [as delivered] .
Spanish translation unavailable for Secretary-General's statement at the Special Meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee with Regional Organizations [as delivered] .
Spanish translation unavailable for Note to Correspondents: Transcript of press encounter by Staffan de Mistura and Jan Egeland on Syria .
Spanish translation unavailable for Note to Correspondents: Transcript of Press Stakeout by UN Senior Adviser, Jan Egeland .