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  1. Secretary-General's message on the launch of the Berlin Initiative: for a Diplomatic Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    Russian translation unavailable for Secretary-General's message on the launch of the Berlin Initiative: for a Diplomatic Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict .

  2. Secretary-General's remarks to the press [please scroll down for Arabic]

    Russian translation unavailable for Secretary-General's remarks to the press [please scroll down for Arabic] .

  3. Послание по случаю Международного дня просвещения по вопросам минной опасности и помощи в деятельности, связанной с разминированием

    New York 中文 ...

  4. Secretary-General's remarks to the Ninth Meeting of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact [as prepared for delivery]

    Russian translation unavailable for Secretary-General's remarks to the Ninth Meeting of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact [as prepared for delivery] .

  5. Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General - on Burkina Faso [scroll down for French Version]

    Russian translation unavailable for Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General - on Burkina Faso [scroll down for French Version] .

  6. Послание по случаю Международного дня памяти жертв рабства и трансатлантической работорговли

    New York 中文 ...

  7. Secretary-General's remarks at the United Nations Memorial Ceremony Marking the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust [bilingual as delivered; scroll down for all-English]

    Russian translation unavailable for Secretary-General's remarks at the United Nations Memorial Ceremony Marking the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust [bilingual as delivered; scroll down for all...

  8. Secretary-General's message for the Seventh Meeting of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact

    Russian translation unavailable for Secretary-General's message for the Seventh Meeting of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact .

  9. Послание по случаю Международного дня памяти жертв Холокоста

    New York 中文 ...

  10. Secretary-General's video message to the High-Level Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism

    Russian translation unavailable for Secretary-General's video message to the High-Level Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism .