
Palm Tree, UNNY073G, 1992, Emir and the People of Bahrain

Palm Tree

Gift ID: 

A gift from Bahrain, this sculpture depicts a gold palm tree encrusted with pearls. Bahrain is often referred to as ""the land of a million date palms"" and ""the land of life"", owing to its freshwater springs, everlasting greenery, and natural sea pearls. The date palm has been associated since ancient times with sustaining human life in Bahrain. In addition to the fact that it has been a continuous source of food, it has provided the Bahraini people with many of their daily life needs.  
Furthermore, many people strongly associate pearls with Bahrain as they have been farmed there since antiquity.

Bahrain presented this gift to the United Nations, showing appreciation for the United Nations in maintaining security, peace, and stability around the world.  
Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said, ¡°I fervently hope that the United Nations will emulate the date palm, reaching ever higher in its aspirations for mankind, but deriving its sustenance from the deepest wells of human experience and solidarity¡±.

Donor Region: 
Asia and the Pacific Group
Emir and the People of Bahrain
Gold encrusted with pearls
Location (Building): 
Conference Building (CB)
Location floor: 
2nd Floor
Donation Date: 
September 29, 1992
Artist or Maker: 
Mohamed Al-Manaei
34 ? x 29 ? x 29 in.