

Fourth World Conference on Women

Action for Equality, Development and Peace
4-15 September 1995 - Beijing, China

FWCW Photo Gallery, Friday 8 September 1995

The following are official photographs of the Fourth World Conference on Women provided by UN/DPI Photo.

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Mr. Ji Chaozhu, Under Secretary-General for Development Support and Management Services of the United Nations, answers questions from correspondents at the conclusion of his press conference on 8 September 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. Credit: UN/DPI 080325/Yao Da Wei

Mr. Jack Lang, Special Advisor to the Secretary-General, speaks at a press conference held in Beijing, China as part of the Fourth World Conference on Women on 8 September 1995. To his left are Dr. Gertrude Mongella, Secretary-General of the Fourth World Conference on Women, and Ms. Therese Gastaut, Spokeswoman of the Conference. Credit: UN/DPI 080518/Zhang Yan Hui

Mr. Jack Lang, Special Advisor to the Secretary-General, at his press conference on 8 September 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. Credit: UN/DPI 080530/Zhang Yan Hui

Dr. Gertrude Mongella, Under Secretary-General of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, meets in her office with Mrs. Duran-Ballen, First Lady of Ecuador on 8 September 1995. Credit: UN/DPI 080814/Yao Da Wei

Mrs. Chen Muhua, President of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, at her press conference on 8 September 1995. At left is Ms. Margaret A. Kelley, Secretary of the Conference, and at right is Ms. Therese Gastaut, Spokeswoman of the Conference. Credit: UN/DPI 081217/Yao Da Wei

Madame Truong My Hoa, President of the National Committee for the Advancement of Women of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, speaks at the plenary session of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China on 8 September 1995. Credit: UN/DPI 080430/M. Grant

A scene at the Beijing International Convention Centre (BICC) during the Fourth World Conference on Women being held from 4 to 15 September 1995. Credit: UN/DPI 080615/Zhang Yan Hui

A scene at the Beijing International Convention Centre (BICC) during the Fourth World Conference on Women being held from 4 to 15 September 1995. Credit: UN/DPI 081120/Zhang Yan Hui

A scene at the Beijing International Convention Centre (BICC) during the Fourth World Conference on Women being held from 4 to 15 September 1995. Credit: UN/DPI 081121/Zhang Yan Hui

The Delegation of Bahrain at a working group meeting held on 8 September 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. Credit: UN/DPI 080824/Yao Da Wei

The Delegation of Barbados at a working group meeting held on 8 September 1995 at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. Credit: UN/DPI 080828/Yao Da Wei

A member of the Delegation of Yemen to the Fourth World Conference on Women at a working group meeting on 8 September 1995 in Beijing, China. Credit: UN/DPI 080835/Yao Da Wei

Dr. Nafis Sadik, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), speaks at a press conference at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing at which the report by the UN Statistical Division entitled "The World's Women 1995 -Trends and Statistics" was introduced. Credit: UN/DPI 081502/Chen Kai Xing

Mrs. Abdullah Ahmed Al-Ghazali, Advisor to the Minister of Social Affairs and Labour on Women and Children Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman, addresses the plenary session of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China on 8 September 1995. Credit: UN/DPI 081416/M. Grant

Madame Marieme Mint Ahmed Aicha, Secretaire d'Etat a la Condition Feminine of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, addresses the plenary session of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China on 8 September 1995. Credit: UN/DPI 081434/M. Grant

Mr. Ji Chaozhu, Under-Secretary-General for Development Support and Management Service of the United Nations, addresses the plenary session of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China on 8 September 1995. Credit: UN/DPI 082202/M. Grant

Ms. Noeleen Heyzer, Director of UNIFEM, addresses the plenary session of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China on 8 September 1995. Credit: UN/DPI 082223/M. Grant

A scene at the Fourth World Conference on Women on 8 September 1995 in Beijing, China. The conference is being held from 4 to 15 September at the Beijing International Convention Centre. Credit: UN/DPI 081032/Chen Kai Xing

This database is maintained by the Division for the Advancement of Women daw@un.org