
Expert group meetings (EGMs) are used in the preparation of the programme of work of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). EGMs are used primarily for preparing for the annual priority theme of CSW but may also be used in other contexts, such as in preparation of flagship reports or other major studies. The overall objective of an EGM is to bring together external expertise to explore state-of-the-art research and analysis, identify good practices and lessons learned and develop independent policy recommendations on a particular issue. An EGM is a working meeting and brings together individual experts from a variety of fields, including academia, government, civil society and United Nations or other regional and international bodies.

(Accra, Ghana, 20-23 September 2011)
- Gender, science and technology
(Paris, France, 28 September-1 October 2010)
- Good practices in national action plans on violence against women
(Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago,
13-15 September 2010)
(Geneva, Switzerland,
11-13 November 2009 )
(Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 25-28 May 2009)
- The
equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including
caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS
(Geneva, Switzerland, 6-9 October 2008)
- Good practices in legislation on violence against women
(Vienna, Austria, 26-28 May 2008)
- Indicators to measure violence against women
(Geneva, Switzerland, 8-10 October 2007)
- Financing for gender equality and the empowerment of women
(Oslo, Norway, 4-7 September 2007 )
- Elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl-child
(UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence, Italy, 25-28 September 2006)
(Bangkok, Thailand, 8-11 November 2005)
(Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 24-27 October 2005)
- Violence against women: Good practices in combating and eliminating violence against women
(Vienna, Austria, 17-20 May 2005)
- Violence against women: a statistical overview, challenges and gaps in data collection and methodology and approaches for overcoming them
(Geneva, Switzerland, 11-14 April 2005 )
- Achievements, gaps and challenges in linking the implementation
of the Beijing Platform for Action, the Millennium Declaration
and Millennium Development Goals
(Baku, Azerbaijan, 7-10 February 2005)
- The role of national mechanisms in promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women: achievements, gaps and challenges
(Rome, Italy, 29 November - 2 December 2004)
- Peace agreements as a means for promoting gender equality and ensuring participation of women - A framework of model provisions
(Ottawa, Canada, 10-13 November 2003)
- The role of men and boys in achieving gender equality
(Brasilia, Brazil, 21-24 October 2003)
- Trafficking in women and girls
(Glen Cove, United States of America, 18-22 November 2002)
- Participation and access of women to the media and their impact on and use as an instrument for the advancement and empowerment of women
(Beirut, Lebanon, 12-15 November 2002)
- Information and communication technologies and their impact on and use as an instrument for the advancement and empowerment of women
(Seoul, Republic of Korea, 11-14 November 2002)
- Empowerment of Women through the life cycle as a transformative strategy for poverty eradication
(New Delhi, India, 26-29 November 2001)
- Environmental management and the mitigation of natural disasters: a gender perspective
(Ankara, Turkey, 6-9 November 2001)
- Situation of rural women within the context of globalization
(Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 4-8 June 2001)
- The Aids Pandemic and its Gender Implications
(Windhoek, Namibia, 13-17 November 2000)
- Gender and Racial Discrimination
(Zagreb, Croatia, 21-24 November 2000)
- Women and Health: Mainstreaming the Gender Perspective into the Health Sector
(Tunis, Tunisia, 28 September - 2 October 1998)
- National machineries for gender equality
(Santiago, Chile, 31 August - 4 September 1998)
(Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13-17 October 1997) See the and
(Toronto, Canada 9-12 November 1997) See the and
(Abo/Turku, Finland, 1-4 December 1997)
(Valletta, Malta, 30 November - 2 December 1997) See the
(Turin, Italy, 2-6 December 1996)
(Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 18-22 November 1996)
(Boston, United States of America, 11-15 November 1996)