
Online discussion in preparation for CSW55 6-20 July 2010

Expert group meeting

Gender, science and technology
Paris, France, 28 September-1 October 2010


In accordance with its multi-year programme of work for 2010-2014, the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) will consider ‘Access and participation of women and girls to education, training, science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work’ as its priority theme during its fifty-fifth session in 2011.

In order to contribute to a fuller understanding of the issue and to assist the Commission in its deliberations, the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW, now part of ) in collaboration with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) convened an expert group meeting (EGM) on ‘Gender, science and technology’ from 28 September to 1 October 2010 in Paris, France.

The EGM explored the gender dimensions of science and technology, and identified policies and programmes that can accelerate progress towards the internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs. It examined strategies for:

• Increasing women’s access to and use of technology, including more gender-responsive products

• Increasing women’s access to and participation in science and technology education and training

• Eliminating barriers to women’s participation in science and technology employment

The EGM provided input for:

• the report of the Secretary-General to the Commission (E/CN.6/2011/3, )

• the outcome of the Commission, the agreed conclusions (A C E F R S) - a set of policy recommendations to be implemented by all stakeholders

Final EGM report

Gender, science and technology

Background papers

Londa Schiebinger
Stanford University, USA
Gender, science and technology


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Women’s and girls’ access to and participation in science and technology


Expert papers

Monia Cheikh
University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
Women’s and girls’ participation in science and technology in North Africa

Flavia Franconi
University of Sassari, Italy
Sex and gender analysis in medical and pharmacological research


Sophia Huyer
Women and Global Science and Technology (WIGSAT), Canada
Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSDW)
Addressing global challenges: focusing science, technology and innovation (STI) policy and funding through a gendered lens


Kong-Ju-Bock Lee
National Institute for Supporting Women in Science and Technology (NIS-WIST), Republic of Korea
Effective policies for supporting education and employment of women in science and technology


Jeffry Mallow
Loyola University Chicago, USA
Gender, science anxiety, and science attitudes: A multinational perspective


Verdiana Grace Masanja
National University of Rwanda, Rwanda
Increasing women's participation in science, mathematics and technology education and employment in Africa


Klaus Schroeder
Design-people, Denmark
Gender dimensions of product design

Mereseini Seniloli
Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Federated States of Micronesia
Gender dimensions of science and technology in agriculture and climate change: A case study


Nikolina Sretenova
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
What has worked in Europe to increase women's participation in science and technology


Viswanath Venkatesh
University of Arkansas, USA
Advancement of women in rural India


Judi Wakhungu
African Centre for Technology Studies, Kenya
Gender dimensions of science and technology: African women in agriculture

Judith Zubieta García
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico
Women, development, and the knowledge society in Latin America


Observer papers

International Labour Office

French Association of Women Engineers (Femmes Ingénieurs)

American Association of University Women (AAUW)

Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSDW)

Related documents

Aide-Mémoire pdf

Photos and videos

Group picture

The expert group meeting in plenary

Jeffry Mallow on science anxiety:

Flavia Franconi on gender medicine:

Verdiana Masanja on women scientists in Africa:

Klaus Schroeder on the gender dimensions of product design:

Judi Wakhungu on women's needs for different agricultural tools:

Judith Zubieta on the importance of ICTs for education: