The fortieth session of CSW was held on 11 - 22 March 1996 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Official Documents
E/1996/26 Report of the CSW 40th session(full text) Table of Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Annexes E/1996/26 Rapport sur la 40i è me session de la CCF Table de Matières Chapître 1 Chapître 2 Chapître 3 Chapître 4 Chapîtres 5-7 Les Annexes E/1996/26 Informe sobre el 40 Período de Sesiones de la CCJSM ÍNDICE Capítulo 1 Capítulo 2 Capítulo 3 Capítulo 4 Capítulos 5-7 Anexos Implementation of Strategic Objectives in the Beijing Platform for Action: Women and the Media Background papers: by Margaret Gallagher Equal access of women to means of communication in Africa by J. Karim Women as presented in the Russian Media by N. Azhgikhina
Toronto Symposium: Report of the Secretary-General: E/CN.6/1996/4 Women and the Media
Other Official Documents: E/CN.6/1996/1 Provisional Agenda Follow-up to the FWCW E/CN.6/1996/5 Child and dependant care, including sharing of work and family responsibilities E/CN.6/1996/6 Education for Peace E/CN.6/1996/10/Add.1 Elaboration of an Optional Protocol to CEDAW E/CN.6/1996/10/Corr.1 Elaboration of a Draft Protocol to the CEDAW E/CN.6/1996/14 Proposal for the Medium Term Plan E/CN.6/1996/CRP.2 UN System-wide Plan for Women (Part 1/2) E/CN.6/1996/CRP.2 UN System-wide Plan for Women (Part 2/2) Agreed conclusions 1996/1. Methods of work for dealing with the implementation of the Platform for Action adopted by the Fourth World Conference on Women Agreed conclusions 1996/2. Women and the media Agreed conclusions 1996/3. Child and dependant care, including sharing of work and family responsibilities