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Expert Group Meeting

Expert Group Meeting on indicators to measure violence against women
Geneva, Switzerland
8-10 October 2007

The United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women co-organized an Expert Group Meeting on indicators to measure violence against women, together with UNECE and UNSD, in collaboration with ECLAC, ESCWA, ESCAP, and ECA. The EGM was hosted by by the Conference of European Statisticians Task Force on violence against women.


Invited papers
Supporting papers
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The main objectives of the meeting were to:

  • take stock of existing major national, regional and international initiatives aimed at developing indicators on violence against women;
  • assess advantages and disadvantages of various indicator proposals;
  • develop criteria for the identification of a possible set of indicators on violence against women;
  • summarize options, and put forward recommendations for a possible set of indicators to support countries to measure the scope, prevalence and incidence of violence against women;
  • outline related data collection requirements and constraints, as well as opportunities for overcoming these, taking into consideration users’ needs

The meeting also considered the types of violence that should be covered in a possible set of indicators and proposed an approach for defining a technical description of each possible indicator.

The expert group meeting will prepare a report that will:

  • give an overview of existing initiatives for the development of indicators
  • prepare options for a possible set of indicators on violence against women

The report will serve as input to the work of the Statistical Commission and the
Commission on the Status of Women in relation to the mandate of the General
Assembly. It will also contribute to the compilation of data and information on all
forms and manifestations of violence against women for inclusion in the coordinated database to be established by the Secretary-General.

Invited Papers

Supporting Papers