

CEDAW 28th Session

13 to 31 January 2003

The Committee held its twenty-eighth session at United Nations Headquarters, from 13 to 31 January 2003.

Countries Reporting

The Committee examined the reports of the following States parties: [Reports are available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish]

The combined initial and second periodic reports of Albania
         CEDAW/C/ALB/1-2  [ ]

The fifth periodic report of Canada
         CEDAW/C/CAN/5          [ ]
         CEDAW/C/CAN/5/Add.1  [ ]
         Summary record of the 603rd meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 604th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The combined initial, second, third, fourth and fifth periodic
          reports of Republic of Congo

         CEDAW/C/COG/1-5  [ ]
         Summary record of the 606th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 607th meeting [ | | | | | ]

 The combined third and fourth, and the fifth periodic reports
          of El Salvador

         CEDAW/C/SLV/3-4  [ ]
         CEDAW/C/SLV/5     [ ]
         CEDAW/C/SLV/6     [ ]
         Summary record of the 599th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 600th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The combined third and fourth periodic reports of Kenya
         CEDAW/C/KEN/3-4  [ ]
         Summary record of the 592nd meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 593th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The fourth periodic report of Luxembourg
         CEDAW/C/LUX/4     [ ]
         Summary record of the 601st meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 602nd meeting [ | | | | | ]

The fifth and sixth periodic reports of Norway
         CEDAW/C/NOR/5     [ ]
         CEDAW/C/NOR/6     [ ]
         Summary record of the 597th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 598th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The combined initial and second periodic reports of Switzerland
         CEDAW/C/CHE/1-2          [ ]
         CEDAW/C/CHE/1-2/Add.1  [ ]
         Summary record of the 596th meeting [ | | | | | ]

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Official Documents

  • CEDAW/C/2003/I/1 [ ]
    Provisional Agenda

  • CEDAW/C/2003/I/2 [ ]
    Status of submission of reports by States parties under article 18 of the Convention, Report of the Secretary-General

  • CEDAW/C/2003/I/3 [ ]
    Reports provided by specialized agencies of the United Nations on the implementation of the Convention in areas falling within the scope of their activities, Note by the Secretary-General

  • CEDAW/C/2003/I/3/ADD.1 [ ]
    Report provided by specialized agencies of the United Nations on the Implementation of the Convention in areas falling within the scope of their activities - Addendum - FAO, Note by the Secretary-General

  • CEDAW/C/2003/I/3/ADD.1/Corr.1 [ ]
    Report provided by specialized agencies of the United Nations on the Implementation of the Convention in areas falling within the scope of their activities, Note by the Secretary-General - Addendum, FAO - CORRIGENDUM

  • CEDAW/C/2003/I/3/ADD.3 [ ]
    Report provided by specialized agencies of the United Nations on the Implementation of the Convention in areas falling within the scope of their activities - Addendum - UNESCO, Note by the Secretary-General

  • CEDAW/C/2003/I/3/ADD.4 [ ]
    Reports provided by specialized agencies of the United Nations on the implementation of the Convention in areas falling within the scope of their activities - Addendum - ILO, Note by the Secretary-General

  • CEDAW/C/2003/I/4 [ ]
    Ways and means of expediting the work of the Committee, Report of the Secretariat

  • CEDAW/C/2003/I/INF/1 [ ]
    List of Participants



[A/58/38 (Supplement No. 38)] Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Twenty-eighth session (13-31 January 2003) and Twenty-ninth session (30 June-18 July 2003)
[ | | | | | ]

Press Releases

  • [31 January 2003]

  • [29 January 2003]

  • [27 January 2003]

  • [24 January 2003]

  • [23 January 2003]

  • [22 January 2003]

  • [21 January 2003]

  • [20 January 2003]

  • [17 January 2003]

  • [16 January 2003]

  • [15 January 2003]

  • [14 January 2003]

  • [13 January 2003]

  • [9 January 2003]