


CEDAW 29th Session

30 June to 18 July 2003

The Committee held its twenty-ninth session at United Nations Headquarters from 30 June to 18 July 2003

Countries Reporting

The Committee will have before it the reports of the following States parties:

The combined initial through fifth periodic reports of Brazil
         CEDAW/C/BRA/1-5   [ ]

         Summary record of the 610th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 611th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The combined initial through third and fourth periodic reports
         of Costa Rica

         CEDAW/C/CRI/1-3   [ ]
         CEDAW/C/CRI/4      [ ]

         Summary record of the 612th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 613th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The combined fourth and fifth periodic reports of Ecuador
         CEDAW/C/ECU/4-5  [ ]

         Summary record of the 622nd meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 623rd meeting [ | | | | | ]

 The combined third and fourth, and fifth periodic reports
           of France

         CEDAW/C/FRA/3               [ ]
         CEDAW/C/FRA/3-4/Corr.1   [ ]
         CEDAW/C/FRA/5               [ ]

         Summary record of the 614th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 615th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The fouth and fifth periodic reports of Japan
         CEDAW/C/JPN/4      [ ]
         CEDAW/C/JPN/5      [ ]

         Summary record of the 617th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 618th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The second periodic report of Morocco
         CEDAW/C/MOR/2     [ ]

         Summary record of the 626th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 627th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The fifth periodic report of New Zealand
         CEDAW/C/NZL/5     [ ]

         Summary record of the 624th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 625th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The second and third periodic reports of Slovenia
         CEDAW/C/SVN/2     [ ]
         CEDAW/C/SVN/3     [ ]

         Summary record of the 620th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 621st meeting [ | | | | | ]

Official Documents

  • CEDAW/C/2003/II/3 [ ]
    Reports provided by specialized agencies of the United Nations on the implementation of the Convention in areas falling within the scope of their activities, Note by the Secretary-General


[A/58/38 (Supplement No. 38)] Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Twenty-eighth session (13-31 January 2003) and Twenty-ninth session (30 June-18 July 2003)
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