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 Discussion  papers:
(The views presented in these papers are those of the authors' and do not necessarily reflect the views and
position of the United Nations

Available as of 11 December 2000:

Gender and HIV/AIDS – Update on the UN response
    by DAW

Gender, adolescents and the HIV/AIDS epidemic: the need for comprehensive sexual and reproductive health responses
    by Maria De Bruyn, IPAS, USA

Gender and HIV/AIDS: ICTR challenges
Françoise Ngendahayo and Shermin Moledina, United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

HIV/AIDS as a human security issue: a gender perspective
   by Ulf Kristoffersson, Joint United Nations Programme on  HIV/AIDS , Sweden

Longevity in HIV+ mothers: the need to promote health, household food security and economic empowerment to ensure family survival in Southern Africa
    by Sam L J Page, African Farmers’ Organic Research and Training, Zimbabwe

Positive living: the situation of women living with HIV/AIDS
Beatrice Were, National Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS, Uganda

Prevention, treatment and care in the context of human rights
Cathi Albertyn Centre For Applied Legal Studies,
   University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

Strategies of civil society to address AIDS in Asia: emphasis on the sex sector
Sharifah H Shahabudin, Universiti Kebangsaan,  Malaysia

The Gender Aspects of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic  
by Stephen Matlin and Nancy Spence,Commonwealth 
        Secretariat London, United Kingdom

Approaches for Empowering Women in the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: a gender perspective
    by Geeta Rao Gupta,  International Center for Research on         Women (ICRW), United States of America

Women, Youth and HIV/AIDS in Kazakhstan
   by Baurzhan Zhusupov, Public Opinion Research Centre,

Community-level Interventions against HIV/AIDS
from a Gender Perspective

Ngozi Iwere, Community Life Project Nigeria


DAW News
CSW 45th Session