


Women in the peacebuilding process
Informal interactive debate of the Third Committee

Tuesday 11 October 2005, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Conference Room 1
United Nations Headquarters, New York



The Bureau of the Committee on Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs decided to hold an informal interactive debate during the 60th session of the General Assembly on the topic “Women in the peacebuilding process”.

The event will be chaired by the Chair of the Committee.  The debate will open with short statements by representatives of United Nations entities who will outline key issues and raise questions to stimulate dialogue and interaction among participants attending the informal interactive debate. Participants are encouraged to make their interventions interactive, through responding to previous inputs, raising questions and providing examples of their own experiences.

Speakers include:

  • Mr. José Antonio Ocampo, USG/DESA
  • Mr. Tuliameni Kalomoh, ASG/DPA
  • Ms. Rachel Mayanja, Special Adviser of the SG on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women
  • Ms. Noeleen Heyzer, Executive Director, UNIFEM
  • Ms. Nadine Puechguirbal, Senior Gender Adviser, MINUSTAH