Expert Group Meeting "Women and Economic Decision-Making in International Financial Institutions and Transnational Corporations"
Simmons College
Boston, Massachusetts
11-15 November 1996
World Food Summit
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Rome, Italy
13-17 November 1996
Expert Group Meeting "Women, Population and Sustainable Development:
The Road from Rio, Cairo and Beijing"
Santo Domingo
18-22 November 1996
Expert Group Meeting "Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning of Women"
International Training Centre, ILO
Turin, Italy
2-6 December 1996
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
16th session
UNHQ, New York
13-31 January 1997
Micro Summit
Grameen Bank, World Bank, Citibank, UNDP, Women's World Banking
Washington, D.C.
2-4 February 1997
IPU Symposium - "Towards Partnership between Men and Women in Politics"
New Delhi
10-14 February 1997
Commission on the Status of Women
UNHQ, New York
10-21 March 1997
Women, the Information Revolution and the
Beijing Conference
How fast are computer networks growing?
How are women using the information superhighway?
What did the Fourth World Conference on Women say about Electronic Networking?
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Email address: daw@un.org