
the Information Revolution
and the Beijing Conference

Notable Events

Expert Group Meeting "Women and Economic Decision-Making in International Financial Institutions and Transnational Corporations"
Simmons College
Boston, Massachusetts
11-15 November 1996

World Food Summit
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Rome, Italy
13-17 November 1996

Expert Group Meeting "Women, Population and Sustainable Development:
The Road from Rio, Cairo and Beijing"
Santo Domingo
18-22 November 1996

Expert Group Meeting "Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning of Women"
International Training Centre, ILO
Turin, Italy
2-6 December 1996

Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
16th session
UNHQ, New York
13-31 January 1997

Micro Summit
Grameen Bank, World Bank, Citibank, UNDP, Women's World Banking
Washington, D.C.
2-4 February 1997

IPU Symposium - "Towards Partnership between Men and Women in Politics"
New Delhi
10-14 February 1997

Commission on the Status of Women
UNHQ, New York
10-21 March 1997


Women, the Information Revolution and the
Beijing Conference
  • Introduction
  • How fast are computer networks growing?
  • How are women using the information
  • What did the Fourth World Conference on
    Women say about Electronic Networking?
  • Conclusions
    Key Terms to Know
    Did you Know?
    Selected Bookmarks on
    Women's Issues
    Notable Events

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