The Young Leaders for the SDGs initiative recognizes exceptional young people who are leading efforts to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Every two years, 17 young leaders are selected to work with the United Nations and its partners to accelerate SDG implementation and engage other young people in this crucial work.
From food to fashion to finance, the Young Leaders for the SDGs come from many different backgrounds, represent every region in the world and help young people worldwide in support of the Goals. As a community, they work to support efforts to engage young people in the realization of the SDGs both through strategic opportunities with the UN and through their existing initiatives, platforms and networks.
The initiative offers Young Leaders a range of benefits designed to support and amplify their impact. It provides a global platform to showcase and elevate their existing work, along with access to the United Nations system and its network of partners. Young Leaders can take advantage of capacity-building opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge, connect with a dynamic network of changemakers, and participate in key events at the UN and beyond.
The Young Leaders for the SDGs engage in one or more of the following:
- Advocate for the Goals, in ways most accessible and relatable to young people across different contexts;
- Promote innovative ways of engaging their audiences and peers in the advocacy and realization of the Goals;
- Contribute to a robust network supporting the UN and its partners for key moments and initiatives related to the Goals.
Young Leaders Through the Years
In September 2016, the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth unveiled the Young Leaders for the SDGs — 17 young change-makers whose leadership is catalyzing the achievement of the Goals. Since then, a new cohort of Young Leaders has been selected on a biennial basis for their leadership and contribution to a more sustainable world.
Latest Updates
Applications will open soon for the next Young Leaders for the SDGs!
Keep an eye on this space for more updates.