
UNOCT Launches Technical Guide on Protecting Critical Energy Infrastructure with events in Kuwait, Ashgabat and New York

Over the past decade, energy infrastructure has been targeted by terrorist activities more and more frequently. Recognizing the importance of protecting this sector, the United Nations has called on Member States to secure critical infrastructure through coordinated international standards and practices.

In the eighth review resolution of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (A/RES/77/298), the General Assembly condemns ¡°all terrorist acts against critical infrastructure, including critical energy facilities, and against other vulnerable targets, urging all Member States to take necessary measures to prevent such attacks¡±. United Nations Security Council Resolution 2341 (2017) highlights the need for cross-border cooperation, particularly in protecting interdependent infrastructure such as energy facilities. Furthermore, United Nations Security Council Resolution 2396 (2017) urges Member States to address vulnerabilities and bolster infrastructure resilience in the face of evolving terrorist threats. 

Developed in collaboration with Member States, the United Nations Global Network of Experts on Vulnerable Targets, and United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact entities, the UNOCT Technical Guide on Protecting Critical Energy Infrastructure against Terrorist Attacks serves as a practical, research-driven resource for Member States and key stakeholders. It compiles case studies and good practices from around the world, and recommendations that address both the operational and strategic aspects of critical energy infrastructure protection, including risk assessment, resilience-building, and international coordination.

The guide also incorporates lessons from UNOCT¡¯s recent initiatives and offers guidance on integrating public-private collaboration and emerging technologies into energy security frameworks.

The development of UNOCT¡¯s Technical Guide on Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection has been informed by a series of high-profile events that highlight the multifaceted nature of energy security.

Side Event in Kuwait City: 5 Nov. 2024

UNOCT introduced the concepts of its guide at a side event on the margins of the Dushanbe Process High-Level Conference in Kuwait City, themed "Strengthening International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation and Building Agile Border Security Mechanisms." The side-event focused on ¡°Protecting Critical Energy Infrastructure against Terrorist Attacks,¡± bringing together experts from Member States, regional organizations, and private stakeholders to assess the growing vulnerabilities of the energy sector. Panel discussions underscored the urgency of a coordinated response, especially given that energy infrastructure¡¯s cross-border dependencies increase risk exposure to terrorist threats. This initial meeting established a productive environment for global energy infrastructure protection, emphasizing technological advancements, public-private partnerships, and innovative risk mitigation strategies.

International Expert Meeting in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan: 11-12 Nov. 2024

In order to build momentum for the November launch event of the UNOCT Technical Guide on Protecting Critical Energy Infrastructure against Terrorist Attacks, UNOCT held a side-event on the protection of critical facilities on the margins of the International Meeting of Experts on Enhancing Energy Connectivity (IMEEC) on 14-18 October, in partnership with the Governments of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation. 

On 11-12 November, UNOCT formally launched the Technical Guide with an International Expert Meeting in Ashgabat. This two-day event will brought together international experts, Member State representatives, and private sector stakeholders to dive into the guide's core themes: recognizing emerging threats, enhancing resilience, and strengthening response mechanisms. Participants engaged in thematic sessions covering areas such as national approaches to counter terrorist threats to critical infrastructure, tailored protection strategies for traditional and renewable energy facilities, and methods for fostering public-private collaboration. This Ashgabat meeting aimed to solidify the Technical Guide¡¯s role in supporting Member States with the knowledge and tools needed to protect critical energy infrastructure and reinforce international cooperation.

High-Level Launch at United Nations Headquarters, New York: 2 Dec. 2024

The Technical Guide¡¯s launch culminated with a high-level event at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on 2 December 2024, bringing together Member States, policymakers, and experts. This event emphasized the global applicability of the good practices, tools and recommendations included in the Technical Guide and invited further support for implementing counter-terrorism strategies aligned with United Nations General Assembly and Security Council resolutions. The New York launch aimed to foster greater commitment from the international community to safeguard energy infrastructure and reinforce cooperation across borders.

The launch of the Technical Guide underscores the collective responsibility to protect critical energy infrastructure and supports the UN¡¯s counter-terrorism goals. It is a collaborative achievement, built through dedicated partnership and guided by the resolve of Member States to secure the infrastructure vital for energy supply and economic and social stability. With the publication of this guide, UNOCT reaffirms its commitment to working with all stakeholders to address terrorism¡¯s evolving threats and build a secure future for critical energy networks worldwide.

Download the Guide here:

  • Technical Guide on Protecting Critical Energy Infrastructure against Terrorist Attacks 
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For more information:

Please contact OCT-Vulnerable-Targets (oct-vulnerable-targets@un.org)