
Day One - High-Level Opening

Session and Statements

Time Sessions

Thursday, 08 September
10:00 每 11:00

Global Congress film: Call to Action

Master of Ceremonies Welcome and Introduction:

  • Ms. Oguljeren Niyazberdiyeva, Chief, Office of the Under-Secretary-General, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism

Calls to action by victims of terrorism:

  • Ms. Ana Evans, victim of terrorism, Argentina
  • Mr. Parfait Kari Wadjor谷, victim of terrorism, Cameroon
  • Mr. Karambir Singh Kang, victim of terrorism, India
  • Ms. Iman Abdullah Hamad, victim of terrorism, Iraq
  • Mr. Ashraf Al-Khaled, victim of terrorism, Jordan
  • Mr. Max Boon, victim of terrorism, The Netherlands
  • Ms. Fatima Ali Haider, victim of terrorism, Pakistan
  • Ms. Vera de Benito, victim of terrorism, Spain
  • Ms. Grace Acan, victim of terrorism, Uganda
  • Mr. Joseph Pfeifer, victim of terrorism, United States of America

Parliamentarian Remarks:

11:00?每 11:40

Introductory Remarks:

Keynote Address:

  • H.E. Ms. Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations

Opening Remarks:

  • H.E. Mr. Abdulla Shahid, President of the General Assembly of the United Nations

Eminent Speakers:

  • H.E. Mr. Fernando Grande-Marlaska G車mez, Minister of the Interior, Kingdom of Spain, in its capacity as Co-Chair of the Group of Friends Victims of Terrorism
  • H.E. Mr. Qassim al-Araji, National Security Advisor, Republic of Iraq, in its capacity as Co-Chair of the Group of Friends Victims of Terrorism

Musical Interlude:

Manchester Survivors Choir ※Bee the Difference Project§

  • Dr. Cath Hill, Choir founder, victim of terrorism
  • Ms. Amelia Bradbourne, victim of terrorism
  • Ms. Ruby Bradbourne, victim of terrorism
  • Ms. Lucy Jarvis, victim of terrorism
  • Ms. Yasmine Lee, victim of terrorism?
  • Ms. Alicia Taylor, victim of terrorism
  • Ms. Ellie Taylor, songwriter, victim of terrorism

11:40 每 13:00

Ministerial Statements and Interventions:

