Date |
Statement name |
16 Dec |
Video closing remarks by Dr Jehangir Khan, Director, at the UNCCT-UNODA Biological Weapons Convention Implementation Support Unit, joint virtual training on "Biological Preparedness and Response for Nigeria" [ ] [ ] |
14 Dec |
Statement by USG Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the 7th Meeting of the Global Counter-Terrorism Compact Coordination Committee |
13 Dec |
Remarks by Mr. Raffi Gregorian, Director and Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism at the event: ¡°Our Common Agenda¡± and the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Efforts |
10 Dec |
Remarks by USG Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the Web-dialogue on "Preventing and Countering Bioterrorism in the Wake of COVID-19" |
10 Dec |
Remarks by UN Secretary-General Ant¨®nio Guterres at the Security Council debate on Security in the Context of Terrorism and Climate Change |
8 Dec |
Remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the Seventh Ministerial Meeting of the EU Internet Forum |
7 Dec |
Statement by Dr Jehangir Khan, Director, at the Webinar on ¡®Resilience to violent extremism through Strategic Communications¡¯ |
6 Dec |
"Expert Roundtable on Video Games and Violent Extremism"
2-3 Dec |
Opening Statement by Dr Jehangir Khan, Director, at the UNOCT-UNCCT Conference on ¡°Countering the use of Cryptocurrencies to Finance Terrorism¡± |
29 Nov |
Remarks by DUSG Mr. Raffi Gregorian at the Third CSOs Roundtable |
22 Nov |
UNOCT-INTERPOL Launch Event ¡°Second Edition of the Handbook for Using the Internet and Social Media for Counter-Terrorism Investigations¡± ¨C opening remarks by:
18 Nov |
Remarks by Mr. Zeeshan Amin at the Joint Special Meeting on ¡°Terrorist-financing threats and trends and the implementation of Security Council resolution 2462 (2019)¡± |
11 Nov |
Remarks by USG Voronkov at the European Union Working Party on Terrorism - International Aspects (COTER) "Repatriation and Reintegration in Central Asia" |
4 Nov |
Remarks by USG Voronkov at the Special meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee commemorating the 20th anniversary of the adoption of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and the establishment of the Counter-Terrorism Committee, New York |
29 Oct |
Remarks by DUSG Mr. Raffi Gregorian at the Third 2021 Quarterly Briefing to Member States [presentation] |
25 Oct |
Statement by USG Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the Virtual Launch of ¡°Human Rights at International Borders: A Trainer¡¯s Guide¡± |
19 Oct |
Statement by USG Voronkov at the UNOCT-SADC Regional Workshop on Threat Assessment Models for Aviation Security |
19 Oct |
Opening Remarks by USG a the Consultation Round Table Meeting: An Integrated Approach to Rehabilitation and Reintegration for Violent Extremist Prisoners in Uganda |
18 Oct |
Statement by USG Voronkov at the E-Signing Ceremony between the Republic of Botswana and UNOCT: MoA on the United Nations Countering Terrorist Travel Programme |
14 Oct |
Video remarks by USG Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the OSCE Regional Policy Dialogue with Legislators from South-Eastern Europe on the Prosecution, Rehabilitation, and Reintegration of Foreign Terrorist Fighters |
8 Oct |
Opening statement by USG Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the 6th Meeting of the Global Counter-Terrorism Compact Coordination Committee |
7 Oct |
Remarks by USG Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the Eleventh GCTF Ministerial Plenary Meeting |
6 Oct |
International Expert Group Meeting on Vulnerable Targets and Unmanned Aircraft Systems
3 Oct |
Video statement by UNCCT Director Dr Jehangir Khan on "Regional Capacity-building Workshop on Investigation of Terrorist Financing ¨C the Importance of Parallel Financial Investigation¡± |
1 Oct |
Remarks by USG Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at:
30 Sept |
Remarks by USG Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at:
29 Sept |
Launch of the Global Framework for United Nations Support on Syria and Iraq Third Country National Returnees
22 Sept |
Remarks by Mr. Raffi Gregorian at the side-event on Countering the Transnational Threat of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism |
21 Sept |
Closing Remarks of Mr. Jehangir Khan, Director UNCC/UNOCT Counter Terrorism Preparedness Network and United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre joint Virtual Strategic Chemical Attack Table-Top Exercise - [Statement ] |
20 Sept |
Memorial and Special Tribute Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
15 Sept |
Opening remarks by Mr. Raffi Gregorian, Director and Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General, UNOCT at the launch of the "United Nations Manual of Guidance Countering Kidnapping and Extortion" |
9 Sept |
Remarks by Mr. Raffi Gregorian, Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General, UNOCT at the ¡°POST 9/11: TWENTY YEARS OF MULTILATERAL COUNTER-TERRORISM COOPERATION¡± EVENT |
9 Sept |
Opening Remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the First Global Parliamentary Summit on Counter-Terrorism, Vienna |
8 Sept |
Regional conference on Virtual Assets and Their Perspectives: Risks-Assessment and Experience in Financial Investigations related to Crypto-Crimes, Moscow (Hybrid) |
7 Sept |
Launch of the United Nations Programme on Threat Assessment Models for Aviation Security (TAM Programme)
- Opening Remarks by Vladimir Voronkov - [] - [Statement]
- Closing Remarks by Raffi Gregorian - [] [Statement]
20 August |
Fourth commemoration of the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism
19 August |
Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov to the Security Council on the thirteenth ¡°Report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da¡¯esh) to international peace and security and the range of United Nations efforts in support of Member States in countering the threat¡± |
14 July |
Statement by Mr. Voronkov at the OSCE Joint Meeting of the Permanent Council and Forum for Security Co-operation - [] - [Statement] |
8 July |
Opening Remarks by Mr. Mauro Miedico Deputy Director, UNOCT Chief of Special Projects and Innovation Branch at the event on ¡°The Application of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Technologies in Countering Terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism¡± |
30 June |
2021 CT Week Side Events
Multilateral Counter-Terrorism Cooperation: the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact ¨C Global Counterterrorism Forum Partnership. Statement by:
- ()
- Mr. Rafi Shah, Chief of the PKMCB, UNOCT
- Ms. Miriam van Nie, Head of GCTF Administrative Unit
- Mr. David Drake, GCTF Co-Chair Canada
- Mr. Ismail Chekkori, GCTF Co-Chair Morocco
- Ambassador Andreas K¨¹nne, Germany
- Ms. Hillary Batjer Johnson, Deputy Coordinator, Bureau of Counterterrorism
- Dr Khalid Koser, Executive Director, GCER
High Level - Mainstreaming Counter-Terrorism Responses Across Parliamentary Functions
Prevention and the Misuse of New Communications Plan
Making a Case for Fusion Cells: Key Takeaways from Global Partners
A Perfect Storm: White Supremacists, Conspiracy Theorists and Violent Extremism¡¯
Second High-Level Conference
Statements at Session V: The imperative of strengthening international and regional cooperation to counter-terrorism in the new decade:
Statements at Plenary Wrap-up of Session II: Preventing and countering terrorism and violent extremism in the age of transformative technologies:
29 June |
2021 CT Week Side Events
Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the:
Statement by Mr. Raffi Gregorian at the:
Launch of the 2021-2022 UN Multi-Year Appeal for Counter-Terrorism
Second High-Level Conference
SESSION III: Upholding human rights and promoting gender responsiveness while countering terrorism in the age of transformative technologies
SESSION IV: Parallel breakout discussions: Responding to new and evolving counter-terrorism challenges in the new decade
Breakout session A: Reviewing the opportunities for addressing the challenges of the new decade
Breakout session B: Demands of a new decade and strengthening a criminal justice response to countering terrorism
Breakout session C: Protecting, repatriating, rehabilitating and reintegrating women and children with links to United Nations listed terrorist groups
28 June |
Second High-Level Conference: Countering and Preventing Terrorism in the Age of Transformative Technologies: Addressing the Challenges of the New Decade
SESSION I: The global scourge of terrorism: assessment of current threats and emerging trends for the new decade [Open to Member States only]:
SESSION II: Parallel breakout discussions - Prevention in the age of transformative technologies:
2021 CT Week Side Events
25 June |
2021 CT Week Side Events
Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at:
Statement by Mr. Raffi Gregorian at:
24 June |
2021 CT Week Side Events
Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the:
16 June |
Opening Ceremony of the UNOCT Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism in Doha, the State of Qatar. Statement by:
15 June |
Opening remarks of Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the ¡°International Expert Group Meeting on the Protection of Urban Centres and Touristic Venues¡± |
14 June |
Statement by Mr. Raffi Gregorian, Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General and Director of UNOCT at the UNDP PVE Digital Conference (Oslo III), Tides of Change: Emerging trends in violent extremism and the future of prevention, Session: ¡®One Plan, Seventy-nine Recommendations, Five years: The UN Secretary General¡¯s Plan of Action¡¯ |
27 May |
Remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at launch of the UN/EU/US coordinated action on reintegration of children and women from conflict zones as well as the promotion of accountability for persons returned from conflict zones in Uzbekistan ENGLISH - RUSSIAN |
27 May |
Remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the 22nd Meeting of the UNCCT Advisory Board |
27 May |
Remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the Joint ICAO and INTERPOL Passenger Data Exchange Forum
25-26 May |
Remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the Virtual Dialogue with Human Rights and Civil Society Partners on "Building A Better Paradigm To Prevent And Counter Terrorism"
19 May |
Remarks by Mr. Raffi Gregorian, Deputy Under-Secretary-General for Counter-Terrorism at the Second 2021 Quarterly Briefing to Member States |
6 May |
Keynote address by DUSG Dr. Raffi Gregorian at Tuesday¡¯s Children: Lessons in Recovery and Resilience Forum |
29 April |
Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the European Union Working Party on Terrorism - International Aspects (COTER) |
22 April |
Statement by Mr. Jehangir Khan, Director, United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) at the International CVE Research Conference: Round Table Discussion on ¡®The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on global terrorism and violent extremism¡¯, organised by Hedayah and the Euro-Arab Foundation |
20 Apr |
Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the 2021 OSCE-wide Counter-Terrorism Conference on ¡°Reinforcing a Comprehensive Approach to Preventing and Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism and Radicalization that lead to Terrorism (VERLT) in a Changing Landscape¡± |
15 Apr |
Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the International Parliamentary Conference on ¡°Global Challenges and Threats in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Terrorism and Violent Extremism¡± - |
7 Apr |
Statement by DUSG Mr. Raffi Gregorian at the International Association for Human Values: ¡°Strengthening Mental Health at the Core of Peacebuilding, Development and Humanitarian work¡± |
6 Apr |
Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the Side Event on the margins of the 10th ECOSOC Youth Forum ¡°Intergenerational Dialogue on the UN Commitment to Meaningful Youth Engagement and the Promise of the UN75 Declaration¡± - Recording of the entire event |
2 Apr |
Video message by USG Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, "How to build stronger confidence in Asia and make CICA more responsive to the challenges of the 21st Century" |
1 Apr |
Statement by USG Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement between UNCCT and Etidal |
29 Mar |
Video statement by USG Voronkov for the Regional Expert Consultation on the Gender Dimensions of PRR Approaches for Persons Associated with Boko Haram ¨C () |
24 Mar |
Video statement by USG Voronkov for the Bioterrorism Livestream Conference ¨C ¡°Bioterrorism: thinking the unthinkable¡± |
16 Mar |
Video remarks by USG at the Virtual Regional Workshop on Fostering Judicial and Law Enforcement Cooperation and Information-Sharing, "Addressing the terrorism-arms-crime nexus: Preventing and combatting the illicit trafficking of small-arms and light weapons and their illicit supply to terrorists." (Russian) |
11 Mar |
Video remarks by USG Voronokov for the 17th commemoration of the European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism ¨C () |
8 Mar |
Statement by USG Voronkov for the 2021 International Women¡¯s Day - |
7 Mar |
Video statement by USG Voronkov at the Fourteenth UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: Advancing crime prevention, criminal justice and the rule of law: towards the achievement of the 2030 agenda |
5 Mar |
Statement by USG Voronkov at the in-person briefing to Member States on the report of the Secretary-General for the Seventh Biennial Review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy |
25 Feb |
Opening remarks by USG Voronkov at the advocacy event ¨C Republic of Tajikistan, on project "Promoting Universalization and Effective Implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism" (Russian) |
24 Feb |
Opening remarks by USG Voronkov at the Briefing for Permanent Missions on project implementation "Promoting Universalization and Effective Implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism" |
18 Feb |
Video statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov for the international videoconference in Tashkent, entitled ¡°The role of youth in combating radicalism, extremism and terrorism¡± () |
15 Feb |
Remarks by USG Voronkov at the PAM-UNOCT Virtual Meeting ¡°Challenges of the post-territorial ISIL context¡±, with E-Signing of the UNOCT-PAM Memorandum of Understanding |
10 Feb |
Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the 12th ¡°Report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da¡¯esh) to international peace and security and the range of United Nations efforts in support of Member States in countering the threat¡± |
8 Feb |
Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the Launch of the UN-EU Counter-Terrorism Partnership for Sudan National Capacity-Building Workshop for the Republic of the Sudan - Countering the Financing of Terrorism, Khartoum |
29 January |
Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the United Nations Security Council Open Arria Formula meeting ¨C "Children and Armed Conflict. Repatriation of Children from Conflict Zones: From Camps to Homes. Call for Action." |
28 January |
First 2021 Ambassadorial-level Quarterly Briefing to Member States
- Opening statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General for Counter-Terrorism
- Remarks by Mr. Raffi Gregorian, Director and Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism
- Statement by Assistant Secretary-General Mich¨¨le Coninsx, Executive Director, CTED
- Remarks by Ms Ghada Waly, Director-General/Executive Director, UNODC
- Remarks by the High Representative, UNAOC, delivered on his behalf by Ms. Nihal Saad, Chief of Cabinet
25 January |
Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General, UNOCT at the EU Internet Forum |
19 January |
Remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General, UNOCT at the launch of the Global Programme on Countering Terrorist Threats against Vulnerable Targets |
12 January |
Opening Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the 20th Anniversary of Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001) and the establishment of the Counter-Terrorism Committee: achievements in international cooperation, challenges and opportunities |