
Sports and security

"Sport is a fundamental and true human value. A strong vaccine against any kind of criminal disease. We have a moral obligation to protect and promote sports."

-- Under-Secretary-General Vladimir Voronkov in his remarks at the launch of the UN’s Global Programme on Sports and Security.


Sport has the power to unite people and uplift communities. It promotes respect, inclusion, and equality and can empower women and youth, helping to combat all forms of discrimination. Major sporting events can promote positive values, attain a large popularity and leave a thriving socio-economic legacy in host countries. However, they can also be threatened by terrorist organizations not only for the opportunity to cause massive incidents, but for representing what terrorists aim to destroy. 

The UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy has called for strengthening the security and protection of sport events and encouraged the involvement of youth in the promotion of a culture of peace and tolerance. It encouraged Member States to develop, as appropriate, an understanding of respect for human dignity, pluralism and diversity, including through sports and physical activities that could prevent and discourage youth’s participation in acts of terrorism, violent extremism conducive to terrorism, violence, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination.

Since 2020, UNOCT has been dedicated to supporting Member States in protecting major sporting events as a good of humanity and leveraging the power of sports to strengthen social cohesion and build resilience to negative influences.


About the programme

The Global Programme on the Security of Major Sporting Events and the use of Sport Values to Prevent Violent Extremism seeks to:


The Global Sports Programme provides policy guidance and technical assistance for the security of major sporting events, and supports national and local-level sports-based initiatives to prevent violent extremism. It aims to promote diversity and gender equality in sporting contexts,  and facilitates coordination and expertise globally. 

The Programme is led by UNOCT and co-implemented by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), and the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS), in close consultation with the  Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) and INTERPOL. It serves as a platform for hundreds of national policymakers and practitioners from Ministries of Social Affairs, Physical Education, Sport/Youth, Internal Affairs, Intelligence, and Public Safety nominated by Member States for direct engagement with programmatic activities. Regional meetings with these representatives take place regularly, and several international and regional organizations, continental and national sports federations, civil society, and private entities interact through UNOCT’s ” platform.  

The Programme has been generously funded by the State of Qatar, the United Nations Peace and Development Fund (People’s Republic of China) and the Republic of Korea.

Programme Brochure

Global Programme on Security of Major Sporting Events and Promotion of Sport and its Values as a Tool to Prevent Violent Extremism



Internal Evaluation

The internal evaluation of the Global Programme on Security of Major Sporting Events, and Promotion of Sport and its Values as a Tool to Prevent Violent Extremism was conducted by UNOCT to assess performance, identify areas for improvement, and draw lessons to inform future programming. The evaluation covered the period January 2023-June 2024 and focused on effectiveness, impact, sustainability, and human rights/gender/Leave No One Behind (LNOB)/disability inclusion. It found that the programme effectively delivered its outputs, fostered partnerships and knowledge sharing, and made progress in incorporating human rights, gender equality and LNOB considerations, while providing a set of recommendations to guide the programme’s new phase.

  • Evaluation report available in: EN
  • Evaluation brief available in: EN

Useful resources

UNOCT Sports Programme: presentation video