

2023 Annual Report on the utilization of the financial contribution of the State of Qatar

UNCCT Annual Report 2020

The 2023 Annual Report regarding the utilization of the financial contribution of the State of Qatat to ¡°Support Initiatives to Adress the Scourge of Terrorism¡± highlights the main results achieved in 2023 through the support received from the Government and the Shura Council of the State of Qatar. It also provides and update in the implementation of the International Hub on Behavioural Insights to Counter Terrorism as well as the UNOCT Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism in Doha.

The annual report is available for the year of: [] [2022] [2021] [2020]


Compendium of Good Practices 2022 Update: The Protection of Critical Infrastructure Against Terrorist Attacks

The 2022 update of ¡°The protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks: Compendium of good practices¡± expands the research on this topic and identifies new tools, case studies, and examples from all around the world. The Compendium was updated by UNOCT in cooperation with CTED and INTERPOL, and in collaboration with the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact Working Group on Emerging Threats and Critical Infrastructure Protection.

This report is available in: EN 

Annual Forum of Beneficiaries of Technical Assistance Outcome Report 2022

The outcome report of the Beneficiaries Forum provides summaries of the interventions made during the event and outlines the key guiding principles, main observations, and recommendations that emerged from the Forum. It is hoped that the outcome report will be a useful source to guide efforts in the design and delivery of technical assistance and capacity-building support in counter-terrorism. The Beneficiaries Forum, which was held on 28-29 March 2022 in Doha, Qatar, brought together beneficiaries, providers and donors of technical and capacity-building assistance to assess the results and impact of programmes and activities implemented by UNOCT across its mandated areas of policy leadership, coordination, capacity-building, as well as advocacy, visibility and resource mobilization, in close collaboration with its Counter-Terrorism Compact partners, with the financial contribution of the State of Qatar.

This report is available in: EN

2022 Tashkent Regional Conference Report

On March 3-4, 2022, a high-level international conference on the topic: ¡°Regional cooperation of Central Asian countries within the framework of the Joint Action Plan for the Implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy¡±, was held in Tashkent. It was jointly co-organized by the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), the United Nations Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of Uzbekistan (ISRS), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The Conference outcomes included the adoption of a renewed JPoA and the ¡°Tashkent Declaration¡± by Central Asian States, reflecting the strong political will and commitment of these countries to continue implementing the regional strategy over the next decade. 

This report is available in:

Examining the Intersection Between Gaming and Violent Extremism

As a step towards better understanding and addressing the nexus between gaming and violent extremism, the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism/United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNOCT/UNCCT) convened a high-level event to launch its research report titled ¡®Examining the Intersection between Gaming and Violent Extremism¡¯, which showcases inputs from experts, practitioners and from over 600 survey responses from gamers. The report sets out how gaming and extremism intersect, including addressing the issue of exploitation of gaming spaces by terrorists and violent extremists and potential vulnerabilities to radicalisation among gaming communities. The report also sets out the prosocial benefits of gaming, and the potential for the use of gaming to prevent and/or counter violent extremism (PCVE). 

This report is available in: EN   Executive Summary in: EN

UN Global Congress of Victims of Terrorism Highlight Report 2022

The highlight report provides a summary of the Global Congress meeting hosted by United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) on 8-9 September 2022, which marked a critical milestone towards strengthened global solidarity and unity in support of victims and survivors of terrorism.

?Highlight report is available in: EN     

2021 Counter-Terrorism Week Visibility Report

The 2021 Counter-Terrorism Week Visibility Report contains highlights, key conclusions, and outcomes from the High-Level Conference (28-30 June 2021) and 34 side events that took place on the margins of the Second Counter-Terrorism Week (21-30 June 2021).  The Counter-Terrorism Week saw productive exchanges among a broad range of stakeholders, fostering a shared understanding of counter-terrorism challenges in the new decade and practical ideas on how to partner and move forward to strengthen the implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and relevant Security Council resolutions. 

This report is available in [EN]

Qatar Annual Report 2021

The 2021 Annual Report regarding the utilization of the financial contribution of the State of Qatar to ¡°Support Strategic Initiatives to Address the Scourge of Terrorism¡±, highlights the main activities undertaken and results achieved in 2021 through the support received from the Government and the Shura Council of the State of Qatar. It provides progress update on implementation of the International Hub on Behavioural Insights to Counter Terrorism as well as the UNOCT Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism in Doha.

The annual report is available in: [EN]

5 Thematic guides on Protecting Vulnerable Targets Against Terrorist Attacks

The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) launched five new specialized guides (modules) dedicated to the protection of particularly vulnerable targets against terrorist attacks. While ¡°vulnerable targets¡± refers both to critical infrastructure (e.g. public transportation systems, energy sector) and public places or ¡®soft targets¡¯ (e.g. tourist venues, urban centers, religious sites), these guides focus on the latter.

The 5 modules are presented by the United Nations Global Programme on Countering Terrorist Threats Against Vulnerable Targets, which is led by UNOCT and jointly implemented with CTED, UNICRI and UNAOC:

  • Module 1: Introduction - Protection vulnerable targets from terrorist attacks [AR] [EN] [FR] [RU]
  • Module 2: Protecting urban centres from terrorism attacks  [AR] [EN] [FR] [RU]
  • Module 3: Protecting tourist sites from terrorism attacks  [AR] [EN] [FR] [RU]
  • Module 4: Protecting religious sites from terrorism attacks [AR] [EN] [FR] [RU]
  • Module 5: Protecting vulnerable targets from terrorist attacks involving unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) [AR] [EN] [FR] [RU]

Good Practices in the Area of Border Security and Management in the Context of Counterterrorism: The Republic of Korea Model

The BSM Good Practices aims to assist UN Member States¡¯ implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and relevant UN Security Council resolutions to address the overall challenges that porous borders pose, long remote green border areas between States. The BSM good practices are intended to inform and guide governments as they develop policies, guidelines, programs, and approaches for effective BSM, with the specific aim to strengthen cross-border cooperation and border surveillance in a counterterrorism context. 

This document is available in: EN

UNOCT/UNCCT Crisis Communications Toolkit

This Crisis Communications Toolkit for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) was developed under the UNCCT Global Programme for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism, to strengthen the capacity of member states and civil society to develop strong crisis communications related to terrorist incidents. The Toolkit includes theoretical crisis communication approaches, evidence-based principles, frameworks, best practices, templates and tools that can be easily adapted and quickly activated. The content is based on the UNCCT Preventing Violent Extremism through the Strategic Communication Crisis Communication capacity-building training module. Further technical support can be provided to member states and civil society to tailor this Toolkit and integrate it into their existing crisis response systems.

This report is available in: EN