
Fostering Regional Cooperation To Support The Detection Of Terrorists And Other Criminals Using Passenger Data: Western Africa Regional Informal Working Group (IWG) (IWG)

The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), through its flagship the Countering Terrorist Travel (¡®CT Travel¡¯) Programme, and the Airport Communication Programme (AIRCOP) implemented by the , organized the second  annual regional Informal Working Group (IWG) meeting for over 70 delegates representing law enforcement, counter-terrorism, security, and civil aviation agencies from 16 West African countries and 4 observer States.

Launched in December 2021, the West Africa regional Informal Working Group (IWG) aims to foster regional cooperation and exchange of information among participating Member States to support the detection of terrorists and other criminals. The goal is to ensure that Member States share a common language on the use of Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) data and have access to a forum for peer-to-peer support to enable learning from each other.

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