
EAPD PDF project

EAPD provides the following capacity development assistance under the United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund

Rebuilding better and greener from the COVID-19 pandemic through enhanced design and implementation of sustainable national recovery strategies based on policy simulations

  Project: Strengthening the capacity of Government agencies to better utilize data and analytical techniques to inform strategies and decision-making processes on sustainable development through the use of quantitative modelling tools
  Duration: 2023 – 2027
  Target countries: Indonesia, Lao PDR, Namibia, Philippines, South Africa, Zambia, and more
  Main activities: Reports on planning gaps and data availability identifying the areas in national development planning which the enhanced capacity will make the most contributions to and assessing the feasibility of applying the identified modeling approaches; Macro-economic, micro-simulation or CLEWs integrated modelling tools customized for each country, adapted for the unique circumstances of selected countries to inform COVID-19 recovery strategies and SDG implementation; National training workshops for each country on the policy simulation tools; Development of policy documents using the simulation results; Support to target countries to enhance national engagement in regional policy dialogues, and global meetings including ECOSOC, General Assembly, HLPF, and other international fora
  Reports and documents: Project brochure

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