- World Economic Situation and Prospects
- Sustainable Development Outlook
- CDP Policy Notes
- Handbook on the Least Developed Country Category: Inclusion, Graduation and Special Support Measures – Fourth Edition
- Reports of the Secretary-General to the General Assembly
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- Least Developed Country Monitoring Reports
Macroeconomic Analysis
Background Research Papers
- Committee for Development Policy Background Papers
- World Economic and Social Survey Background Papers
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Policy Notes
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- World Economic Forecasting Model 2018Â (Slideviewer) (PDF)
- Development Policy Seminar Series
- UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda
- The World Economic Forecasting Model at the United Nations
- Cooperation of the United Nations system with middle-income countries
- Least Developed Country Data, including Supplementary Graduation Indicators dataset and visualizations
- Least Developed Country Profiles
- Least Developed Country Vulnerability Profiles
- WESS 2018 Annex Data Files (xlsx)
- World Economic and Social Survey (1947-2018)
- MDG Gap Task Force Report (2008-2015)
- Global Policy Model (GPM)
- Coordinated and uncoordinated policy measures as the global financial crisis intensifies
- A low-carbon, high growth policy scenario for the world economy
- Public and private investment in a low-carbon, high growth policy scenario for the world economy
- WESP Weekly Highlight
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