We conduct research on frontier and emerging issues, as well as other economic challenges for countries in conflict and countries in special situations.  We produce policy-oriented research papers and host briefings and seminars responsive to the needs of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and Member States. We produce the Frontier Technology Issues which delves deep into specific aspects of a new technology. We contribute to the publication of the World Social Report (WSR), in collaboration with UN DESA’s Division for Inclusive Social Development and other United Nations agencies, covering selected long-term development issues and policies, particularly those which cross-cut the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
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World Social Report 2024
The World Social Report is the flagship publication of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs on major social development issues.
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Frontier Technology Issues: Harnessing the economic dividends from demographic change
The inevitability of preparing for a future with an older population adds to the urgency with which countries need to…

Expert Group Meeting: Sustainable Development in Times of Recurrent Crises
UN DESA’s Economic Analysis and Policy Division is conducting research on the topic of “Sustainable Development in Times of Recurrent…

12 July 2022: The SDGs at a turning point: Ensuring progress amid recurrent crises
EAPD will present recent research explaining how the current series of crises—individually and in combination—are likely to affect the ability…

Frontier Technology Issues: Frontier technologies for smallholder farmers: addressing information asymmetries and deficiencies
To address the existing barriers to the adoption of these technologies, it is important to invest in digital literacy in…

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