
Impact of war in Ukraine on LDCs

The impacts of the war in Ukraine also threaten the development prospects of least developed countries (LDCs). Therefore, DESA started to monitor the vulnerability of LDCs to the impacts of the war on food, energy and finance. The monitoring complements the work of the and others.

The monitoring is presented in form of a heatmap in this excel file. It will be updated monthly to reflect changes in corresponding indicators. A snapshot of the heatmap can be found in this PDF.

Detailed information on the monitoring methodology and indicators used is provided in this note.

Downloads – No more updates will be provided after February 2024

Information note on the monitoring methodology and indicators – revised as of 12 July 2023 (PDF)
Heatmap – as of 19 February 2024 (Excel)
Snapshot of the heatmap for LDCs – as of 19 February 2024 (PDF)

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