UNAI Member ICWA (the Indian Council for World Affairs) launched on 9 April a publication titled LATIN AMERICA, THE CARIBBEAN AND INDIA: Promise and Challenge by Ambassador Deepak Bhojwani who has represented India in Bogota, Caracas, Havana and Sao Paulo. ICWA joined UNAI in January, at the time of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's visit to New Delhi. The Council incudes, among its aims, serving as a clearing house of information and knowledge regarding world affairs.?
Among the UNAI principles reflected in the book is that of ?the ?commitment to the opportunity for every interested individual to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for the pursuit of higher education, a commitment reflected by governments and institutions around the world in welcoming foreign students to their shores. Challenges of geography and language can pose problems; only 40% of technical scholarships offered by India to students in the Latin American and Caribbean region are claimed. But initiatives can be taken; India has financed a Centre for Excellence in Information Technology (IT) ?in Havana and discussions during atvisit by the First Vice President of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel to New Delhi two weeks ago ?touched upon cooperation in aras including IT, nanotechnology, biotechnology, sports medicine and training, and human resource development. Another principle, that of promoting inter-cultural dialogue and understanding, is served ?by producers of Indian films who have been exploring locales in Latin America, where a few film scenes were shot over the past decade. The relatively low cost of filming in attractive locations and the hospitality of the hosts, combined with fiscal incentives being offered by some governments, offer the promise of continuing cinematic and celluloid collaborations.?