Sustainability is at the core of the work of and part of their strategy is to offer a wide range of opportunities for staff and students to get involved with and make meaningful change.
The new Sustainability Hub was recently launched (February 2024) as part of the Business School¡¯s ambition to facilitate collaboration, enhance practice, drive inter-disciplinary research and innovation and further increase Manchester Met¡¯s reputation as a leader in sustainability research, teaching and engagement. During the launch, presentations showcased our work around transformative communities, supporting local businesses to champion low-carbon solutions, large-scale funded projects on circular economies and developing policy impact on global sustainable food systems.

The Hub will enable new conversations and partnerships as well as share resources and opportunities to over 160 colleagues from across the University, including academics and students. One of its key objectives will be to also focus on amplifying our current work and fostering new activities around the UN¡¯s SDG goals and our close links with the UNAI are invaluable in helping us to achieve this.
In May 2024 the Hub hosted the first of a series of interactive and inter-disciplinary sandpits where academics, community leaders and industry professionals came together to work on a specific sustainability challenge and devised co-produced solutions. In June, the annual Sustainability Summer Festival will celebrate, not only the achievements of colleagues across Manchester Met, but also the invaluable work our external partners do to help us achieve our sustainability vision. This year¡¯s Festival coincides with the University¡¯s 200-year anniversary which will help to remind both staff and students of Manchester¡¯s radical history and in particular its mission to become one of the UK¡¯s most sustainable cities.

Further information is available about all of Manchester Met's .