The United Nations Academic Impact is informed by a commitment to support and advance ten basic principles. The eighth of these principles is:

Peace and Conflict Resolution - A commitment to advancing peace and conflict resolution through education

Test your knowledge about this UNAI principle with the UNAI Quiz!!

Scroll down to the bottom of this article to find the answers.

1. What does the term 'peace' mean?

a) The rejection of weapons of mass destruction.

b) The absence of conflict.

c) The absence of conflict plus the existence of dialogue, understanding and cooperation.

2. What is peace education?

a) To cultivate a culture of peace based on human rights.

b) To teach about negotiation processes in contemporary history.

c) To teach about armed conflict.

3. Is there any role for the youth in the prevention of conflict?

a) Youth is a key actor for an effective prevention of conflict.

b) There might be a role, but minimal.

c) There is no role for the youth on this.

4. What entails the pacific settlement of disputes?

a) A negotiation between the parties to the dispute.

b) The outcome of a judicial settlement about the dispute.

c) A range of possible methods, including negotiation and judicial settlement.

5. Who are the so called 'blue helmets'?

a) The security forces at UN Headquarters in New York.

b) The UN Peacekeeping forces.

c) The Armed Forces of the UN.


1. c) According to the preamble of the??adopted by the UN General Assembly, peace not only is the absence of conflict, but also requires a positive, dynamic participatory process where dialogue is encouraged and conflicts are solved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation.?

2. a) The document??says that?peace education includes training, skills and information directed towards cultivating a culture of peace based on human rights principles providing not only knowledge about a culture of peace but also imparting the skills and attitudes necessary to defuse and recognize potential conflicts, and those needed to actively promote and establish a culture of peace and non-violence, being the learning objectives an understanding of the manifestations of violence, the development of capacities to respond constructively to that violence and specific knowledge of alternatives to violence. Says UNESCO that two fundamental concepts of peace education are respect and skills: Respect refers to the development of respect for self and for others; skills refer to specific communication, cooperation and behavioral skills used in conflict situations.

3. a) of the UN Security Council called Member States to consider ways to increase inclusive representation of youth in decision-making at all levels in local, national, regional and international institutions and mechanisms for the prevention and resolution of conflict, including institutions and mechanisms to counter violent extremism, which can be conducive to terrorism, and, as appropriate, to consider establishing integrated mechanisms for meaningful participation of youth in peace processes and dispute-resolution.

4. c) states that the parties to any dispute, the continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security, shall, first of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice.

5. b) UN Peaceekepers as stated?, provide security and the political and peacebuilding support to help countries make the difficult, early transition from conflict to peace following three basic principles: Consent of the parties;?Impartiality;?Non-use of force except in self-defence and defence of the mandate. The UN Dag Hammarskj?ld?Library explains??that the UN has no standing army or police force on its own. Military and police personnel, from UN Member States, working as peacekeepers in peacekeeping missions around the world are members of their own national service first and are seconded to work with the UN. They wear their countries' uniform and are identified as UN Peacekeepers by a UN blue helmet or beret. The Library also explains??that a distinctive headgear like a 'blue helmet', which is easy to be recognized from the distance, is needed for the protection of those who wear them.

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