In his last public appearance as UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon congratulated the institution on becoming a member of United Nations Academic Impact and he congratulated the Paul Simon Institute on its upcoming 20th?birthday. The institute was a renowned supporter of international education and of active U.S. engagement across the international agenda.
The outgoing Secretary-General reassured everyone that although the world is undergoing different types of transition, from political changes to urbanization,  the UN remains committed to making a more economically and environmentally sustainable world.
Ban also highlighted some of the challenges he faced during his tenure as Secretary-General such as the financial crisis of the 2000s, the surge in refugees and migrants as well as violent extremism, increasing inequality, political polarization and protracted conflicts. Despite such turbulence, he pointed out that the United Nations has achieved some tangible gains including the successful completion of peace keeping operations in Sierra Leone and Timor-Leste, the support of peaceful political transitions in Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Myanmar, the adoption of the and the to address climate change.
While speaking at the institution, Ban Ki-moon also mentioned the importance of youth engagement in sustainable development noting that he has worked to provide a greater platform for youth voices and inclusion at the United Nations. &ldquoI have taken new steps at the United Nations to bring their voices into our deliberations. I am proud to have appointed the , as well as a Special Envoy for Youth Employment.  The United Nations Security Council has also recognized the importance of youth by adopting, one year ago this month, it&rsquos first-ever resolution on youth, peace and security.  We are determined to work not just for youth, but with youth.&rdquo
In his concluding remarks, Ban spoke about the inspiration he received from leaders who placed great emphasis on equality and collective action.  He encouraged his successor, Ant¨®nio Guterres, to follow through on those values which form part of the core values of the United Nations.
You can watch the SG&rsquos full remarks at Southern Illinois University and see the photo gallery .