
Online Event - World Human Rights Day

To mark World Human Rights Day on Friday 10 December 2021, De Montfort University, a UNAI member institution in the United Kingdom that also serves as the SDG Hub for Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, organized an event in which scholars from across the university will discuss their research into equality and social justice in 15-minute presentations, followed by a 30-minute Q&A session.

For more information and registration details, click.

Insight Keynote: Toward an Ethic of Social Justice in Information

The Dag Hammarskjöld Library of the United Nations and the United Nations Academic Impact, present as part of the Insight Keynote series, the keynote lecture byDr. Safiya U. Noble. The title of her presentation will be Toward an Ethic of Social Justice in Information.

2021 Forum on Globalization and Industrialization

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization - UNIDO, is co-organizing the2021 Forum on Globalization and Industrialization (FGI) which seeks to convene stakeholders from government, academia, private sector, and civil society to discuss paths towards advancing sustainability practices in global supply chains. The event aims to discuss the challenges and opportunities of sustainable production in global supply chains.

Particularly, the forum will explore policies, governance modes as well as novel business models that can foster inclusiveness and sustainability in global production networks, thus, supporting the joint global efforts to build back better.

The event will take place from 6 - 7 December 2021. For more information click .

2021 WISE Summit

WISE, an international, multi-sectoral platform for creative thinking, debate, and purposeful action, has established itself as a global reference in new approaches to education. Through both, the biennial Summit and a range of ongoing programs, WISE ispromoting innovation and building the future of education through collaboration.WISE 2021 will take place in Doha, Qatar, and virtually on 7-9 December 2021, under the theme: “Generation Unmute: Reclaiming our Future through Education”.

Thousands of education stakeholders and innovators from around the globe are set to convene in person and online for one of the largest and most influential gatherings to shape the future of education. Organizations like UNESCO and UNICEF will actively participate.For more information click .

Forum: "From Where We Stand: Unsettling Coloniality in the University and Beyond"

Adelphi University, a UNAI member institution in the United States, through its School of Social Work and the Department of Languages, is organizing a virtual forum to discuss topics such as the efforts made by the United Nations and universities around the world to foster inclusion of Indigenous peoples, the uncertain future of minority languages, and the political reality of language, culture, and identity framed within a university educational experience.

The event, which will take place within the framework of Indigenous Heritage Month will be this 2 December 2021. Click to register for the event.

Conference on Global Citizenship Education 2021

Lehigh University, a UNAI member institution in the United States, is organizing its 2ndConference on Global Citizenship Education. The event will provide a platform tothink about protagonism, self-awareness, ways of decentering the self, seeing others as full protagonists, and all of us as non-protagonists in our rapidly changing planet. What speculations, poems, policy ideas or other thoughts do these ideas bring up? This is the key question inspiring the conference, under the premise that one of the complex and slightly paradoxical tasks we practice in global citizenship education is that of positing ourselves as change agents while also attempting to decenter ourselves in a world of others.

The event will take place on 9 December 2021. For more information click .

10th Global Humanitarian Policy Forum

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the United Nations Foundation, will host between 9 - 10 December 2021, itstenth annual Global Humanitarian Policy Forum, which will take place virtually.

This year’s event will assess the current landscape through a series of thematic, interactive panel discussions including the growing humanitarian climate crisis, persistent challenges around access and humanitarian negotiations, increasing cyber threats impacting humanitarian action, and the linkages between COVID-19 and fragility and the importance of vaccines in humanitarian settings.

For more information click .

Call for Inputs: COVID Recovery Plans and Policies and the Right to Development

The United Nations Human Rights Council, established in 2016 the mandate of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to development. In 2022 the Special Rapporteur will be reporting to the Council and the General Assembly on the subject of compliance of COVID recovery plans and policeswith the right to development perspective,in the context of theand core international human rights treaties.

The Special Rapporteur seeks to collect good practices from key stakeholders and experts on COVID recovery plans and policies that are in line with both the right to development and the 2030 Agenda, as well as information about challenges and areas for improvement.

Call for Papers: Organized Crime in Armed Conflicts and Other Situations of Violence

The International Review of the Red Cross,a peer-reviewed, academic journal produced by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and published by Cambridge University Press,examining international humanitarian law, policy and action in a multi-disciplinary way, launched a new call for papers.

This call aims to compile a collection of essays exploring how organized crime and the groups that carry it out can, do, and should be regulated with the international legal framework governing armed conflictand other situations of violence. The collection will form part of a recurring series in the Review as of 2022.

The deadline for submissions is 23 December 2021. For more information click .

The Hague Academy of International Law 2022 Summer Courses

The Hague Academy of International Law, a center for teaching and research in public and private international lawwith the aim of furthering the scientific study of the legal aspects of international relations, opened registration for their 2022 summer courses. Such coursesare designed for students and practitioners who have a prior grounding in public or private international law.The courses are given in English or French and are simultaneously translated into the other language.

All applicants are required to register online. A limited amount of scholarships is available. Attendees of the Summer Courses will also be able to participate in the doctoral networking sessions coordinated by Prof. Giulio Bartolini (University of Roma Tre) and Dr. Alexia Pato (University of Girona), additional afternoon lectures, embassy visits and other social activities.

Call for Submissions: Innovation and Inclusivity in the Face of Growing Inequality

The McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law, apeer-reviewed academic journal based at the Faculty of Law of McGill University, a UNAI member institution in Canada, encourages submissions from researchers, academics, practitioners, policy-makers, and students in a range of fields. Their aim to provide a forum for debate and critical analysis about the economic, societal, and environmental issues surrounding sustainable development law and policy.

The theme for Volume 18 is Bridging the Gaps: Innovation and Inclusivity in the Face of Growing Inequality. Authors are invited to reflect on how their research interests might align with the following focus topics or create an analogous one of their own making:

2021 United Nations International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East

The 2021 United Nations International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East will be held virtually this year on 16 and 17 November 2021. Organized by the United Nations Department for Global Communications, in the context of its special information programme on the question of Palestine, this annual event aims to sensitize public opinion to the question of Palestine and promote a peaceful settlement to the Israel-Palestine conflict. It also aims to bring together journalists, media experts, think tanks, diplomats and members of academia from Israel, Palestine, the wider Middle East, Europe, the United States and other parts of the world to discuss media related dynamics and trends connected to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

#ForgeYourFuture, A Storytelling Campaign

#ForgeYourFuture is a storytelling campaign aiming at collecting real-life stories, dreams, ideas and initiatives from young people (between the ages of 18 and 29) in the world’s46 Least Developed Countries. From the young storytellers that engage with the hashtag #ForgeYourFuture, 46 young people (one from each LDC) will be selected to come to Doha, Qatar, and take part in theyouth programme of LDC5 - the 5thUnited Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries– taking place in January 2022.

Young Activists Summit: New Generation, New Solutions

The Young Activists Summit honours young change-makers advancing sustainability or human rights, and help them achieve concrete results. Co-organized by the NGO dev.tv, the United Nations Office at Geneva, Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS), its Genève Vision label, and the Graduate Institute, with some prominent partners, the Summit brings together young people from all around the world, thus contributing to reinforcing peace and cultural tolerance.

This year the event will take place on 18 November 2021.The Summit will honour these six outstanding activists from all around the globe who propose concrete solutions to solve some of the world's biggest challenges:

ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference: Connecting physical and virtual worlds

The International Telecommunications Union will host Kaleidoscope 2021 -Connecting physical and virtual worlds,the thirteenth in a series of peer-reviewed academic conferences organized by this specialized agency of the United Nations,to bring together a wide range of views from universities, industry and research institutions. The aim of the Kaleidoscope conferences is to identify emerging developments in information and communication technologies (ICTs) and, in particular, areas in need of international standards to aid the sustainable development of our interconnected world.

Kaleidoscope 2021calledfor original academic papers sharing insight into ongoing projects and research relevant to the development of persistent virtual realities and customized computer-generated environments, as well as new possibilities and associated challenges appearing on the horizon.