Transforming Communities: Demystifying Circular Economy
Thisshort interactive online event, that will take place 10 November, will beabout the urgent need to look after the earth’s precious resources, and share good practice around circular economy to the benefit of us all. The activity is being promoted by , a UNAI member institution in the United Kingdom.
The event might be of particular interest to anyone involved in working towards new models of local economic development and community wealth building which give equal weight to economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainability.
For more information about it click .

Call for Research Proposals: World Income Inequality Database
The is requesting research proposals on theproject. Proposals for original research that speak to the core themes of this project and offer strong empirical, methodological, or theoretical contributions will be considered. This project aims to better understand inequality — how it varies, why it varies, and what the implications of this might be — and to offer new frameworks that provide insight into how to address it. It maps empirical patterns and trends in inequalities and builds our understanding of inequality as both an outcome and a causal variable.

Call for Papers: State Fragility and Organized Crime Nexus
The Chair on Countering Illicit Trade and Preventing Transnational Organized Crime at the, a UNAI member institution in Costa Rica that also serves as one of the UNAI SDG Hubs, launched a call for papers on State Fragility and Organized Crime Nexus.

Call for Blogs: UN World Data Forum - Data and SDGs
The UN World Data Forum brings together data and statistical experts and users from governments, civil society, the private sector, donor and philanthropic bodies, international and regional agencies, the geospatial community, the media, academia and professional bodies. Data experts and users gather to spur data innovation, mobilize high-level political and financial support for data, and build a pathway to better data for sustainable development.The UN World Data Forum 2021 will be hosted by the Federal Statistical Office of Switzerland from 3 - 6 October 2021 in Bern.

UNCTAD15: From Inequality and Vulnerability to Prosperity for All
UNCTAD's () 15th quadrennial conference, UNCTAD15, seeks a concrete Decade of Action in pursuit of the . The conference is focused on reducing inequality and vulnerability by ensuring trade works for all and that development remains high on the global agenda. The theme, “From inequality and vulnerability to prosperity for all”, is a clarion call to work to fix the fractures across the world in favour of prosperity for all. UNCTAD15 takes place online, hosted by Barbados, from 3 - 7 October, 2021.
The event is the UN's first major conference on trade and development amid the COVID-19 pandemic and will help shape policy responses for a better recovery.

Call for Papers: Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals - Regional Perspectives
A series of academic publications titled "Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals- Regional Perspectives" is being produced. The series aims to support the acceleration needed for the implementation of the SDGs, by mobilizing the academic community, industry and the civil society by generating information and communicating on experiences focusing on the SDGs deemed as being most important for the world regions.
The project will thus have a specific regional scope, tackling the SDGs in a way that it takes the particularities of each region into account. Consistent with this strategy, the "Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals- Regional Perspectives" project consists of four high impact volumes:

Call for Articles: Designing and Implementing Sustainability Strategies at Higher Education Institutions
ճ, whoseaim is to provide up-to-date information on new developments and trends on sustainability in a higher education context, and to catalyze networking and information exchange on sustainable development as a whole, and on the SDGs in particular, on a global basis, issued a call for articles for a special issue.
Such special issue will focus on topics surrounding the design and Implementation of sustainability strategies at higher education institutions (HEI), in order to uncover research that explores how sustainability has been integrated into the various phases of the strategic management process (e.g. strategic formulation, implementation or strategic control), or throughout the process, as the HEI engage with theirs stakeholders and overcome any challenges.

The 1972 Stockholm Declaration at Fifty: Reflecting on a Half-Century of International Environmental Law
The , a UNAI member institution in the United States, is organizing through its School of Law, a symposium to reflect on the first 50 years of International Environmental Law and the lessons this history may hold for the future, within the framework of the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment that produced the “Stockholm Declaration.”
There will be panels around these topics: (1) The Rights-Based Approach to Environmental Protection; (2) Anti-Racism, Decolonization, and Environmental Protection; and, (3) International Environmental Law’s Future.
For further information and details for registration, click .

MUN Impact's Earth, Economy, Equity Summit
The student leaders at cordially invites to thisfree, online event focused on taking action to support the through Model UN and community action with a focus on earth, the economy, and issues of equity. This event is open to middle, high school, and university students. This three-day event will have multiple workshops by students, thought leaders, UN officials, and a special strand devoted to planning for impact and taking action.
MUN Impact's Earth, Economy and Equity Summit will focus on driving action and impact into our communities around these important cross-cutting issues, using our knowledge and skills gained from this Summit to make real change in the world and network with like-minded individuals.
For more information and registration details click .

International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) 2021
The International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) provides a forum for academia, government, civil society, UN agencies, and the private sector to come together to share practical solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event is organized jointly by the-an interdisciplinary graduate degree program that prepares students to better identify and address the challenges of sustainable development-, and by the.
SDSN is a partner of UNAI thataims to accelerate joint learning and help to overcome the compartmentalization of technical and policy work by promoting integrated approaches to the interconnected economic, social, and environmental challenges confronting the world.

14th International Scientific Conference on “Energy and Climate Change”
The 14th International Conference on “Energy and Climate Change”, organized by the,a UNAI member institution in Greece serving as the UNAI SDG Hub for Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, will take place on 13-15 October 2021, in Athens, Greece.This event is addressed to policy and decision makers on issues of green energy investments, market stakeholders, scientists, academics, project leaders and consortia. Each day will be dedicated to adifferent perspective of energy and climate change policies, allowingmore focused presentations and discussions on the political, scientific and business views of the subject.

UNU Macau Research Career Info Session
The United Nations University Institute in Macau will host on 16 and 18 June 2021 research career information sessions to share about UNU Macau’s research areas and work culture as well as answer any questions about six research positions (Senior Research Team LeadsandResearchers) they are looking to recruit.The successful candidates will play an integral role in drivingthe two major pillars of their research portfolioand assist the Institute’s Head of Research and the Director in achieving the goals set out in UNU Macau’s2021-2025 Strategic Plan.
For more information details and registration:

2021 UNDP Annual Meeting on Rule of Law and Human Rights
The United Nations Development Programme is organizing itsAnnual Meeting on Strengthening the Rule of Law and Human Rights for Sustaining Peace and Fostering Development, to be held from 22-24 June 2021 in a virtual format. While reflecting on the achievements of 2020, the event will take a close look at the complexity and challenges of the continuing crisis, as well as the various opportunities offered for furthering a more accountable, inclusive, and just future.The meeting will also serve as the background discussion for the next phase of the Global Programme on Rule of Law and Human Rights (2022-2025).

Conference on Opportunities for International Higher Education
The 2021 Ontario Regional meeting of the Canadian Bureau for International Education, ‘Opportunities for International Higher Education: Keeping the Future Human’, will kick-off with a keynote on the future of internationalization and global engagement in light of COVID-19, followed by panel discussions, presentations and networking opportunities throughout the conference. Panel sessions will focus on a variety of key topics including equity and inclusion in internationalization andthe role of the Sustainable Development Goals in global engagement.
For more information, including for registration, click here:

Scientific Dialogue on World Food Safety Day (07 June 2021)
The Water Research Commission in collaboration with the University of Pretoria, the UNAI SDG Hub for Goal 2: Zero Hunger,will host a dialogue on World Food Safety Day, 7 June 2021, from 8:30am to 12:30pm (South African Standard Time / UTC+2), to celebrate more than ten years of water and agricultural research. Its purpose isto inform fit-for-purpose irrigation water microbiological quality criteria and policy for safe fresh produce production in the formal and informal sectors.
To register for this event click .