
Green Energy Investments Forum Reaffirms Commitment to Promoting Affordable and Clean Energy

The Sixth Green Energy Investments Forum, taking place during the 12th Annual International Conference on Energy and Climate Change in Athens, Greece (9 – 11 October 2019), offered an opportunity to learn about possibilities of investments for developing projects aiming at the green transformation of the economies of the BSEC Member States and the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the(BSEC) Region.

The have a significant potential to develop a sustainable energy future.

Zero Hunger Series: Flocking, the foundations of African prosperity

, celebrated every year on 16 October, marks the founding of the(FAO) of the United Nations in 1945 as an organization that deals with global food and agricultural issues. The number of people going hungry has increased since 2014 and the prevalence of undernourishment has remained virtually unchanged in the past 3 years. This reversal in progress sends a clear warning that more must be done urgently if the Sustainable Development Goal ofZero Hungeris to be achieved by 2030.

Zero Hunger Series: Feeding 10 billion people using air, nutrients and water

, celebrated every year on 16 October, marks the founding of the(FAO) of the United Nations in 1945 as an organization that deals with global food and agricultural issues. The number of people going hungry has increased since 2014 and the prevalence of undernourishment has remained virtually unchanged in the past 3 years. This reversal in progress sends a clear warning that more must be done urgently if the Sustainable Development Goal ofZero Hungeris to be achieved by 2030.

Zero Hunger Series: Africa is not broken - a tale of African innovations in food and well-being

, celebrated every year on 16 October, marks the founding of the(FAO) of the United Nations in 1945 as an organization that deals with global food and agricultural issues. The number of people going hungry has increased since 2014 and the prevalence of undernourishment has remained virtually unchanged in the past 3 years.

Zero Hunger Series: Droughts stand between the pursuit of ending hunger and poverty

, celebrated every year on 16 October, marks the founding of the (FAO) of the United Nations in 1945 as an organization that deals with global food and agricultural issues. The number of people going hungry has increased since 2014 and the prevalence of undernourishment has remained virtually unchanged in the past 3 years. This reversal in progress sends a clear warning that more must be done urgently if the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger is to be achieved by 2030.

Bolivian University Steps up as an Afforestation Crusader

Between October 2018 and March 2019, the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS), through the School of Forest Sciences of the Faculty of Agricultural and Livestock Sciences, has been developing a set of forestry and silviculture actions in the Cochabamba’s Metropolitan Region of Bolivia. Committed to and , the university’s initiative aims at combating forest loss and reducing the effects of climate change that has affected the region.

Women’s Political Empowerment Critical for Sudan

Throughout Sudan’s tumultuous history of revolutions against dictatorships, racism, and war, Sudanese women have long been held back from actively participating in politics. To promote gender equality and women’s empowerment, Ahfad University for Women, United Nations Academic Impact SDG Hub for Gender Equality, hosted a seminar entitled “Women’s role in Civil Government” and met with a High-Level Delegation from the African Union.

The seminar, led by Professor Balghis Badri of the Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity, Peace, and Rights at Ahfad University focused on the active participation of women in government. 83 people were in attendance, including Dr.Tamadur Khalid of UNICEF, female activists, NGO representatives and politicians.

Andrés Bello Catholic University aids socially disadvantaged communities through 'Social Park' and health center service

The maxim that identifies theAndrés Bello Catholic University (Venezuela)throughout its almost 66 years of history is In everything to love and serve. For the university, these words are a substantive function and a seal of its humanity-focused academic structure that allows for future alumni to be sensitized to their surrounding environments.

At UCAB, social extension is understood as the permanent relationship established between the institution and surrounding communities. By dedicating efforts and resources with the purpose of influencing the processes of social transformation, USAB creates alliances to achieve the objectives of development that benefit communities and their members, which is in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

Redesigning assistive mobility devices to function in challenging environments and limited-resource settings

According to the , 15% of the world’s population lives with one or more disabilities, with an overwhelming majority (approximately 840 million) in developing countries. Disability can increase the likelihood of poverty, decrease the likelihood of access to education for children, and worsen the existing gender inequalities, making women more vulnerable to abuse.

Breastfeeding is a father’s responsibility

Walking into a local clinic in Malawi, you will be faced with images calling for men to take a more active role in children and mother’s health. Some of the messages boldly challenge what we consider to be normal, explicitly stating that “Exclusive breastfeeding is a husband’s responsibility.”

Breast milk contains nutrients that are essential for a child’s growth and development. In rural areas where women have little money and limited access to clean water to prepare formula, breast milk is a cheap and safe option. But it is also by far the better option. The estimates that around 220,000 children could be saved every year with exclusive breastfeeding. Yet less than half of children under six months are exclusively breastfed.

Students with His Royal Highness Chief Mumena

Brunel University London organizes field trip to refugee settlement camp in Zambia

In partnership with (UNDP), Brunel University London (United Kingdom), a member institution of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), organized a four-week field trip in Zambia from 31 May to 30 June 2019, to help students develop their understanding of the multi-dimensional challenges associated with living in the Mayukwayukwa refugee and resettlement community, and gain hands-on experience forthe livelihood development projects that emerged out of their study.

The trip began with an orientation in Siavonga and a visit to the Lake Kariba area. Driving North through the Copperbelt Province to the border of Democratic Republic of Congo at Chililabombwe, students engaged with market sellers and learned how goods flow in and out of Zambia.

He University advances UN's Sustainable Development Goals through 'Inspirational Class' and China-Africa Eye Health Forum

He University (China), a member institution of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), conducted two activities in 2018 in support of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, particularly the goals on No Poverty, Good Health and Well-being and Quality Education:

Inspirational Class

With the support of the Luodian County Party Committee and the County Government of Guizhou Province, 11 students fromLuodian County were enrolled in the Major of Nursing in the Technical School of He University in 2018. The students were all from poor families, unable to afford tuition fees and living expenditures.

Welcome the Millennium Fellowship Class of 2019: Over 1,000 young leaders making the Sustainable Development Goals and UNAI Principles Reality

The Millennium Campus Network (MCN) and the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) are proud to present the Class of 2019, an ambitious program to help make the Sustainable Development Goals and UNAI principles a reality.

Millennium Fellows are university undergraduates selected based on their leadership on sustainable development-related projects that advance the SDGs in their communities. As Millennium Fellows, they will participate in a semester-long leadership development program to improve their student organizing, partnership building and community impact skills. There was a record 7,020 applications for the program this year from young leaders on 1,209 campuses across 135 nations.

World Youth Skills Day: Want young people to succeed in life and work? Lead with entrepreneurial skills and mindset

15 July 2019 - We all know that the world we live in is changing. World Youth Skills Day gives us a chance to take a targeted look at what skills young people need to succeed in careers and contribute to local and global economies.

As we grapple with the effects of disruptive technology on the labor force, it is no surprise that there is a heightened focus on developing technical and digital skills. Yet, equipping the youth of today for lifelong learning and the future of work can be accomplished by .

Global response to poverty and environmental goals 'not ambitious enough'

9 July 2019 -In his latest reporton the progress towards meeting the targets of the 17Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs, the UN chiefAntónio Guterres said that while a wealth of action had been taken by governments across the world the most vulnerable people and countries continue to suffer the most.

The 17 SDGs commit countries to mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change. Read morehereabout the goals.