High-level Dialogue results in global roadmap for universal energy access and energy transition backed up with new commitments of more than $400 billion
On 24 September 2021, more than 130 global leaders, including Heads of State and Government, Ministers, executive heads of UN entities and international organizations, CEOs and other multi-stakeholder representatives, joined the High-level Dialogue on Energy, announcing ambitious targets, transformational actions and bold investments towards achieving universal energy access and net-zero emissions.
One of the main outcomes of the Dialogue is the first-ever global roadmap for accelerated SDG 7 action which presents a clear strategy for the achievement of universal energy access and energy transition by 2030, including a set of concrete and practical milestones.
In support of these objectives, more than US$400 billion in new finance and investment was committed by governments and the private sector in the form of Energy Compacts announced during the Dialogue and multi-stakeholder Energy Action pre-events on 22 and 23 September. The commitments made aim to provide hundreds of millions of people with clean energy access and speed-up energy transition while creating green jobs to leave no one behind.
While the commitments announced were a significant step forward, it was also acknowledged by participants that far more is needed to address energy poverty and decarbonization of energy systems.
The first leader-level meeting on energy under the auspices of the UN General Assembly in 40 years, the Dialogue aimed to boost efforts to provide energy access by 2030 to the nearly 760 million people still lacking electricity and the 2.6 billion without clean cooking fuels and technology, while setting the world on a trajectory towards net-zero emissions by 2050.

UN Secretary-General issues roadmap for clean energy for all by 2030
A global roadmap setting out milestones needed to achieve a radical transformation of energy access and transition by 2030, while also contributing to net zero emissions by 2050, was issued on 3 November by UN Secretary-General Ant車nio Guterres, as an outcome of the High-level Dialogue.
A report of the Dialogue was also issued, giving more detail on the roadmap's recommendations as well as statements and commitments made at the Dialogue.

More than 150 Energy
Compacts from governments,
businesses and other organizations were submitted for the High-level Dialogue,
reflecting voluntary actions and finance commitments through 2030. New Compacts and
partners will continue to be registered and progress tracked.

※The commitments coming through this process led by UN-Energy are a real signal of what
is possible,§ said UN Secretary-General Ant車nio Guterres in his remarks to the Dialogue.
※So we have a double imperative, to end energy poverty and to limit climate change. And
we have an answer that will fulfil both imperatives. Affordable, renewable and
sustainable energy for all.§

To continue to spearhead transformational commitments and partnerships and sustain the
momentum created, including the Energy Compacts, UN-Energy will play a central role in
the follow-up to the High-level Dialogue. UN-Energy brings together over 25 UN System
entities and key partners for collaboration in the field of energy.
UN-Energy Commitments for 2025 and 2030

Theme Reports
In preparation of the High-level Dialogue, Technical Working Groups made up of over 160 multi-stakeholder experts elaborated key policy recommendations and milestones. Each Working Group was led by 3-4 intergovernmental organizations with particular expertise in the respective area. The outcomes of these expert deliberations are captured in five Theme Reports.

Inclusive, far-reaching preparatory process
The Dialogue was informed by the involvement of many people representing a wide range of constituencies. Thirty Member States engaged early on as Global Theme Champions to spearhead advocacy efforts on their respective themes. Global online multi-stakeholder consultations resulted in a report with an overview of issues raised. Finally, the Ministerial Thematic Forums virtually gathered over 1500 participants to discuss inputs to the Dialogue.