Ministerial-level Thematic Forums
Ministerial-level Thematic Forums brought together key stakeholders virtually over five days, 21-25 June 2021, to mobilize actions as a major milestone on the road to the High-level Dialogue on Energy in September 2021.
Over 50 Ministers from national governments and leaders from business, cities, civil society and youth organizations and other stakeholders had the opportunity to showcase solutions and partnerships on each priority theme and present their Energy Compacts, setting out their voluntary commitments and actions. Over 25 Energy Compacts were previewed, presenting a wide range of ambitious commitments.
Reports detailing recommendations for action needed on each of the five priority themes were officially launched at each Forum by the Technical Working Group co-lead organizations. Together these five reports comprise a proposed global roadmap for achieving affordable and clean energy for all by 2030, on the road to net-zero emissions by 2050.
SDG7 Action Zones provided space for 80 of side events where Energy Compacts were featured, bringing together interested partners.
Global Champions for Energy Access
Global Champions for Energy Transition
Global Champions for Enabling SDGs through Inclusive, Just Energy Transitions
Global Champions for Innovation, Technology and Data
Global Champions for Finance and Investment
DAY 1 Daily Overview
DAY 1 Ministerial Segment
DAY 1 Room 1 Global Multi-Stakeholders
DAY 1 Room 2 Global Multi-Stakeholders
DAY 2 Daily Overview
DAY 2 Ministerial Segment
DAY 2 Room 1 Global Multi-Stakeholders
DAY 2 Room 2 Global Multi-Stakeholders
DAY 2 Room 3 Global Multi-Stakeholders
DAY 3 Daily Overview
DAY 3 Ministerial Segment
DAY 3 Room 1 Global Multi-Stakeholders
DAY 3 Room 2 Global Multi-Stakeholders
DAY 3 Room 3 Global Multi-Stakeholders
DAY 4 Daily Overview
DAY 4 Ministerial Segment
DAY 4 Room 1 Global Multi-Stakeholders
DAY 4 Room 2 Global Multi-Stakeholders
DAY 4 Room 3 Global Multi-Stakeholders
DAY 5 Daily Overview
DAY 5 Ministerial Segment
DAY 5 Room 1 Global Multi-Stakeholders
DAY 5 Room 2 Global Multi-Stakeholders
Access to the Forums requires on-line registration for all participants. Representatives of Member States and other stakeholders including business, CSOs, local governments, youth, academia and others, who are interested in participating in the Forums are requested to register on-line at:
Each Forum will comprise three different segments: (1) A series of parallel sessions on selected topics for that Theme (Global Multi-Stakeholder Dialogues); (2) A Ministerial Segment; and (3) Multi-stakeholder side events (SDG7 Action Zone). The day-by-day detailed programme will be made available on the High-level Dialogue on Energy website (link) in early June and regularly updated thereafter.
Overview of the thematic forums can be found here.
Programme of Side Events can be found here

21 JUNE 2021
CO-HOSTED BY: China, the European Union, Japan, Kenya, Malawi, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia
CO-CONVENED BY: Dialogue Secretary-General and Dialogue Co-Chairs
Theme 1: Energy Access |
06:00 – 07:00 |
SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) |
07-05 – 07:15 |
07:15 – 08:45 |
7:15 – 7:21 Call for Action: Principles for priority actions on clean cooking for all Paul N. Mbuthi, Deputy Director of Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy, Kenya (3 min) Mr. Frank van der Vleuten, Policy Coordinator, Climate, Finance and Energy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands (3 min)
7:21 – 8:00 Action Commitments [1]: Creating enabling conditions Moderator: Mr. Marcel Alers, Head of Energy, UNDP Action announcements: (2 min announcement per panelist)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:00 – 8:39 Action Commitments [2]: Creating markets for innovative solutions Moderator: Ms. Yabei Zhang, Senior Energy Specialist, Lead, Clean Cooking Fund, World Bank Action announcements: (2 min announcement per panelist)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:39 – 8:45
Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Mr. Fareed Alasaly, Senior Advisor to HRH Minister of Energy, Saudi Arabia (3 min)
7:15 – 7:21 Opening Remarks by the Co-Chairs: Representative, China (TBC) (3 min) Ms. Carla Montesi, Director, Directorate-General for International Partnerships, the European Commission (3 min)
7:21 – 7:47 PANEL 1: Decentralized energy systems for clean electricity access Moderator: Ms. Dana Rysankova, Global Lead Energy Access, World Bank Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
7:47 – 8:13 PANEL 2: Sharing knowledge and good practices Moderator: Mr. Kikuchi Nobuyuki, Director, Resource Security Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:13 – 8:39 PANEL 3: Advancing electricity access leaving no one behind Moderator: Ms. Heidi Schroderus-Fox, Director, UN OHRLLS Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:39 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Mr. Kikuchi Nobuyuki, Director, Resource Security Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan (3 min) Mr. Andrey Maximov, Director of the Department of Electric Power Industry Development, Ministry of Energy of Russia
09:00 – 09:30 |
Master of Ceremonies
Special Guest
Opening remarks by the High-Level Dialogue on Energy Leadership
Energy Compact Showcases
09:30 – 11:30
MINISTERIAL SEGMENT 9:30 – 9:33 Master of Ceremonies
9:33 – 9:37 Our Vision, Our Future: Special Remarks from Youth Advocates
9:37 – 10:10 Opening remarks by Global Champions
10:10 – 10:30 Official Launch of Theme Report on Energy Access by the Co-lead Organizations of the Technical Working Group 1 Moderator: Mr. Matthew Bishop, Senior Fellow, Brookings, and Former US Business Editor & New York Bureau Chief, The Economist Panel Discussion: (Davos-style interactive discussion)
10:30 – 10:40 Fire Side Chat An Energy Compact conversation with Ms. Kate Brandt, Chief Sustainability Officer, Google
10:40 – 11:27 Remarks from Ministers and global leaders
Remarks by:
Leadership conversation (Davos-style interactive discussion) Moderator: Mr. Matthew Bishop, Senior Fellow, Brookings, and Former US Business Editor & New York Bureau Chief, The Economist
Panel Discussions:
11:27 – 11:30 Closing remarks by Master of Ceremonies
11:30 – 20:00 |
SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) |

22 JUNE 2021
CO-HOSTED BY: Finland, Mauritius, Morocco, Russian Federation*
CO-CONVENED BY: Dialogue Secretary-General and Dialogue Co-Chairs
*Supporting role
Theme 4: Innovation, Technology and Data |
06:00 – 07:00 |
SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) |
07:05 – 07:15 |
DAILY PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Ms. Bahareh Seyedi, Senior Sustainable Development Officer, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UN DESA |
07:15 – 08:45 |
7:15 – 7:18 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Mr. Riku Huttunen, Director General of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment Finland (3 min)
7:18 – 8:00 PANEL 1: Digitalization’s role in leading the transformation Moderator: Mr. Alois Mhlanga, Chief of Climate Technologies and Innovation, UNIDO Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:00 – 8:39 PANEL 2: Better data for low carbon energy Moderator: Mr. Leonardo Souza, Chief, Energy Statistics Section, UN Statistics Division Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:39 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Ms. Helena Sarén, Head, Smart Energy Business, Finland (3 min) |
7:15 – 8:00 PANEL 1: Innovation and technology in the food sector Moderator: Mr. Zitouni Ould-Dada, Deputy Director, FAO Welcoming remarks: Ms. Ute Collier, Head of Policy, Renewable Energy Markets, IRENA Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:00 – 8:45 PANEL 2: Innovation and technology in the urban sectors Moderator: Mr. Vincent Kitio, Lead Urban Energy Solutions, Urban Basic Services Section, UN-HABITAT Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
7:15 – 8:42 PANEL 1: Innovation and technology in the industry sector Moderator: Mr. Tareq Emtairah, Director, Energy Department, UNIDO Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:42 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Mr. Oleg Zhdaneev, Deputy Director General of the Federal State Budgetary Institution, Russian Energy Agency (3 min)
09:00 – 11:00 |
MINISTERIAL SEGMENT 9:00 – 9:03 Master of Ceremonies
9:03 – 9:07 Our Vision, Our Future: Special Remarks from a Youth Advocate
9:07 – 9:20 Opening remarks by Global Champions
9:20 – 9:40 Moderator: Mr. San Rahi, Executive Vice President, Growth & Innovation, Sid Lee Panel Discussion: (Davos-style interactive discussion)
9:40 – 10:05 Energy Compact Showcases
10:05 – 10:57 Remarks from Ministers and global leaders
Remarks by:
Leadership conversation (Davos-style interactive discussion) Moderator: Mr. San Rahi, Executive Vice President, Growth & Innovation, Sid Lee
Panel Discussions:
10:57 – 11:00 Closing remarks by Master of Ceremonies
11:30 – 20:00 |
SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) |
Side Events |
6.00 - 7.00 |
Innovative strategies to deliver the deep decarbonisation of industrial processes |
6.00 - 7.00 |
International Standards and Sustainable Green & Innovative Power Solutions to bring Broadband Internet Connectivity to Rural and Remote Areas |
6.00 - 7.00 |
6.00 - 7.00 |
Transforming lives through energy inclusion: Experiences from grassroot women entrepreneurs |
6.00 - 7.00 |
Uptake of Port Energy Efficient Technologies and Operations |
11.30 - 12.45 |
Capacity Building in Energy Planning and its Application for Addressing SDG7 Objectives |
11.30 - 12.45 |
Presentation of the Theme Report on Innovation, Technology and Data |
11.30 - 12.45 |
Raising Ambitions: New Metrics to End Energy Poverty |
11.30 - 12.45 |
Renewable Energy - A Key Milestone on the Road to Net-Zero |
11.30 - 12.45 |
Young people engagement to accelerate global energy transition and cross-sectoral interlinkages |
12.45 - 14.00 EST |
Policies and investment on energy efficient lighting: models for success |
12.45 - 14.00 |
SDG 7 Policy Briefs: Leveraging Energy Action for Advancing the SDGs |
14.00 - 15.15 |
Integrated Energy Planning for Driving Outcomes and Investment |
14.00 - 15.15 |
Israel¡¯s Energy innovations |
14.00 - 15.15 |
Zero Step Warm Data Project |
15.15 - 16.30 |
The strategic role of biogas in the Energy Transition |
16.30 - 17.45 |
Accelerating Energy Access through Technology Innovation |

23 JUNE 2021
CO-HOSTED BY: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Germany, India, Nigeria, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom
CO-CONVENED BY: Dialogue Secretary-General and Dialogue Co-Chairs
Theme 2: Energy Transition |
06:00 – 07:00 |
SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) |
07:05 – 07:15 |
DAILY PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Mr. Martin Niemetz, Sustainable Development Officer, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UN DESA (confirmed) |
07:15 – 08:45 |
7:15 – 7:21 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Mr. Indu Shekhar Chaturvedi, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, India (confirmed) (3 min) Dr. Juergen Zattler, Director General, International Development policy, 2030 Agenda, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany (confirmed) (3 min)
7:21 – 8:00 PANEL 1: Harnessing renewable energy potentials worldwide for socio-economic resilience and equity Moderator: Ms. Elizabeth Press, Director of Planning and Programme Support, IRENA (confirmed) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:00 – 8:39 PANEL 2: Capacity building to accelerate renewable energy deployment in industry and transport Moderator: Ms. Ulrike Lehr, Head of Policy, Socioeconomics, IRENA (confirmed) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:39 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Ms. Faryde Carlier, Director of Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia (confirmed) (3 min) Ms. Agnes de Costa, Senior Officer, Ministry of Energy, Brazil (confirmed) (3 min) |
7:15 – 7:21 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Ms. Kate Hughes, Director, International Climate and Energy, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, United Kingdom (confirmed) (3 min) Mr. Francisco Javier Lopez, Undersecretary, Ministry of Energy, Chile (confirmed/ pre-recorded) (3 min)
7:21 – 8:04 PANEL 1: Opportunities & challenges for the acceleration of energy efficiency expansion Moderator: Ms. Gabriela Prata Dias, Head, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (confirmed) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:04 – 8:45 PANEL 2: Emerging technologies for a sustainable energy future: offshore wind and green hydrogen Moderator: Mr. Scott Foster, Director, Sustainable Energy Division, UNECE (confirmed) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
7:15 – 7:21 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: H.E. Mr. Martin Bille Hermann, Permanent Representative, Denmark Mission to the UN (confirmed) (3 min) H.E. Mr. Goddy Jedy Agba, Minister of State for Power, Nigeria (confirmed) (3 min)
7:21 – 8:00 PANEL 1: From coal to clean: Energy transition strategies to match short term actions with long-term objectives Moderator: Mr. Michael Williamson, Section Chief, Energy Division, UN ESCAP (confirmed) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:00 – 8:39 PANEL 2: International cooperation and regional integration to advance the energy transition Moderator: Mr. Mark Radka, Deputy Director, Economy Division, UNEP (confirmed) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:39 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Ms. Laura Martín Murillo, Director, Just Transition Institute, Spain (confirmed) (3 min) Mr. Kabir Yusuf, Technical Adviser on Energy and Emission, Ministry of Environment, Nigeria (confirmed) (3 min)
09:00 – 11:00 |
MINISTERIAL SEGMENT 9:00 – 9:03 Master of Ceremonies
9:03 – 9:07 Our Vision, Our Future: Special Remark from Youth Advocates
9:07 – 9:46 Opening remarks by Global Champions
9:46 – 10:06 Moderator: Ms. Elise Labott, Columnist, Foreign Policy (confirmed) Panel Discussion: (Davos-style interactive discussion)
10:06 – 10:16 Fire Side Chat A conversation with Mr. Francesco Starace, CEO, ENEL (confirmed), moderated by Mr. Randall Lane, Chief Content Officer, Forbes Media (confirmed)
10:16 – 10:26 Energy Compact Showcases
Moderator: Mr. Alexander Trepelkov, Officer-in-Charge, Division for Sustainable Development, UN DESA (confirmed)
Mr. Francesco La Camera, Director-General,International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (confirmed) (2-3 min)
Mr. David Lecoque, CEO, ARE (confirmed) (2-3 min)
Ms. Alejandra Bernal, Head of International Affairs of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Colombia (TBC) (2-3 min)
10:26 – 11:00 Remarks from Ministers and global leaders
Moderator: Mr. Alexander Trepelkov, Officer-in-Charge, Division for Sustainable Development, UN DESA (confirmed) Remarks by:
Leadership conversation (Davos-style interactive discussion)
Panel Discussions:
Closing remarks:
11:30 – 20:00 |
SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) |

24 JUNE 2021
CO-HOSTED BY: European Union*, Iceland, Honduras, Nauru, Panama, Portugal, United Arab Emirates
CO-CONVENED BY: Dialogue Secretary-General and Dialogue Co-Chairs
*Supporting role
Theme 3: Enabling SDGs through Inclusive, just Energy Transitions |
06:00 – 07:00 |
SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) |
07:05 – 07:15 |
DAILY PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Ms. Bahareh Seyedi, Senior Sustainable Development Officer, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UN DESA |
07:15 – 08:45 |
7:15 – 7:18 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Mr. Reagan Moses, Secretary for Climate Change & National Resilience, Ministry of Environment, Nauru (3 min)
7:18 – 7:46 PANEL 1: Energy and health Moderator: Dr. Maria Neira, Director, WHO Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
7:46 – 8:15 PANEL 2: Energy and gender Moderator: Ms. Seemin Qayum, Chief a.i, Economic Empowerment, UN WOMEN Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:13 – 8:42 PANEL 3: Energy and education Moderator: Dr. Jon-Hans Coetzer, Team Leader, Online Learning and Education, UNITAR Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:42 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: H.E. Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany, Permanent Representative of the UAE to IRENA (3 min) |
7:15 – 7:21 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: H.E. Mr. Jorge Rivera Staff, National Secretary of Energy of the Republic of Panama (3 min) Ms.Anna Hjartardóttir, Deputy Director General, International Affairs and Development Cooperation, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Iceland (3 min)
7:21 – 7:48 PANEL 1: Energy and jobs Moderator: Mr. Moustapha Kamal Gueye, Coordinator at ILO Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
7:48 – 8:15 PANEL 2: Promoting the diversification and framework of a circular economy Moderator: Ms. Merlyn Van Voore, Head of Secretariat, International Resource Panel, Economy Division, UNEP Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:15 – 8:42 PANEL 3: Private Sector and entrepreneurship Moderator: Ms. Anna Kruip, Manager, Environment and Climate, UN Global Compact Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:42 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Ms. Paula Cristina Gomes, Directorate of Energy Sustainability, Ministry of Environment and Climate Action, Portugal (3 min)
7:15 – 7:18 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Dr. Miguel Figueroa, General Director of Electricity and Markets, Ministry of Energy, Honduras (3 min)
7:18 – 7:46 PANEL 1: Pathways towards net zero emissions Moderator: Ms. Roula Majdalani, Lead Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability Cluster, UNESCWA Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
7:46 – 8:15 PANEL 2: Water, food, ecological systems and biodiversity: Role of renewable energies Moderator: Ms. Radia Sedaoui, Chief Energy Section at Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability Cluster, UNESCWA Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:15 – 8:42 PANEL 3: Sustainable cities and communities Moderator: Mr. David Koranyi, Senior Energy Expert, UN DESA Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:42 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Mr. Pedro Ballesteros, Senior Administrator, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission (3 min) |
09:00 – 11:00 |
MINISTERIAL SEGMENT 9:00 – 9:03 Master of Ceremonies
9:03 – 9:07 Our Vision, Our Future: Special Remarks from Youth Advocates
9:07 – 09:35 Opening remarks by Global Champions
9:35 – 9:55 Moderator: Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, CEO, TENN Panel Discussion: (Davos-style interactive discussion)
9:55 – 10:10 Fire Side Chat A conversation with Mr. Omran Hamad Al-Kuwari, CEO, Qatar Foundation International , moderated by Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, CEO, TENN
10:10 – 10:25 Energy Compact Showcases
10:25 – 10:57 Remarks from Ministers and global leaders
Moderator: Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, CEO, TENN Remarks by:
Leadership conversation (Davos-style interactive discussion)
Panel Discussions:
10:57 – 11:00 Closing remarks by Master of Ceremonies
11:30 – 20:00 |
SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) |

25 JUNE 2021
CO-HOSTED BY: Dominican Republic, Italy, Netherlands*, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia*
CO-CONVENED BY: Dialogue Secretary-General and Dialogue Co-Chairs
*Supporting role
Theme 5: Finance and Investment |
06:00 – 07:00 |
SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) |
07:05 – 07:15 |
DAILY PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Mr. David Koranyi, Senior Energy Expert, UN DESA |
07:15 – 08:45 |
7:15 – 7:21 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Ms. Sarah Ashour, First Secretary, Head of the Economic and Financial (Second) Committee, Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations (3 min) Mr. Nicola Bazzani, Deputy Head of the Office for Energy, Environment and Sustainability, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy (3 min)
7:21 – 8:01 PANEL 1: Advancing SDG7 through sustainable COVID-19 recoveries Moderator: Mr. Jean-Paul Adam, Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resources Management, ECA Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:01 – 8:42 PANEL 2: Investment in clean energy technologies Moderator: Mr. Tim Gould, Head, Division for Energy Supply Outlooks and Investment, IEA Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:42 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Ms. Laurien Berkvens, Senior Policy Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands (3 min)
7:15 – 7:18 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Dr. Sardar Mohazzam, Managing Director, National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, Pakistan (3 min)
7:18 – 7:46 PANEL 1: Financing for adaptation Moderator: Mr. Alan Miller, Expert on Private Sector Engagement and Climate Adaptation, UNDP Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
7:46 – 8:14 PANEL 2: Accelerating sustainable finance through international cooperation and capacity building Moderator: Mr. Manuel Baritaud, Senior Economist, EIB Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:14 – 8:42 PANEL 3: Setting a global carbon price Moderator: Mr. Marcel Alers, Head of Energy, UNDP Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion)
Q&A Session (5 min)
8:42 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: H.E. Mr. Alfonso Rodríguez, Deputy Minister, Energy Saving and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Dominican Republic (3 min) |
09:00 – 11:00 |
MINISTERIAL SEGMENT 9:00 – 9:03 Master of Ceremonies Mr. Hubert Danso, Chairman, Africa Investor (Ai), African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank Advisory Board (AfGIIB)
9:03 – 9:07 Our Vision, Our Future: Special Remarks from Youth Advocates
9:07 – 09:27 Opening remarks by Global Champions
09:27 – 09:47 Moderator: Mr. Hubert Danso, Chairman, Africa Investor (Ai), African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank Advisory Board (AfGIIB) Panel Discussion: (Davos-style interactive discussion)
9:47 – 9:57 Fire Side Chat A conversation with Mr. James Mwangi, Group Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer, Equity Group Holdings Plc. , moderated by Mr. Hubert Danso, Chairman, Africa Investor (Ai), African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank Advisory Board (AfGIIB)
10:00 – 10:15 Energy Compact Showcases
10:15 – 10:57 Remarks from Ministers and global leaders Moderator: Mr. Hubert Danso, CEO, Africa Investor Remarks by:
Leadership conversation (Davos-style interactive discussion)
Panel Discussions:
10:57 – 11:00 Closing remarks by Master of Ceremonies |
11:15 – 12:00 |
Moderator: Mr. Alexander Trepelkov, Officer-in-Charge, Division for Sustainable Development, UN DESA
Special Guest
Closing remarks by the High-Level Dialogue on Energy Leadership

Ant¨®nio Guterres (TBC)
Secretary-General, the United Nations

Teresa Ribera
Vice-President and Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Spain

Charles Keter
Cabinet Secretary for Energy, the Republic of Kenya

ZHANG Jianhua (TBC)
Administrator, the National Energy Administration of the People¡¯s Republic of China

LIU Zhenmin
The Under-Secretary-General for UNDESA and the Dialogue Secretary-General

Achim Steiner
Administrator, UNDP, and Dialogue-Co-Chair

Damilola Ogunbiyi
Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All and Dialogue Co-Chair

Umar Ayub Khan
Minister of Energy, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Kitty van der Heijden
Vice Minister for International Cooperation, the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Newton Kambala
Minister of Energy, the Republic of Malawi

Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
Minister of Energy, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dan J?rgensen
Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities, the Kingdom of Denmark

Fekitamoeloa Katoa ¡®Utoikamanu
High Representative, UN OHRLLS

WASHIO Eiichiro
State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan

Bento Albuquerque
Minister of Mines and Energy, the Federative Republic of Brazil

Antonio Almonte
Minister of Energy and Mines, the Dominican Republic

Diego Mesa Puyo
Minister of Mines and Energy, the Republic of Colombia

Maimunah Mohd Sharif
Executive Director, UN Habitat

Juan Carlos Jobet Eluchans
Minister of Energy, the Republic of Chile

Gerd M¨¹ller
Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Federal Republic Germany

Mohammad Mahmood Abubakar
Minister of Environment, the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Raj Kumar Singh
Minister of State (Power, New & Renewable Energy), the Republic of India

Anne-Marie Trevelyan
Minister of State for Business, Energy and Clean Growth, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Gudlaugur Th¨®r Th¨®rdarson
Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation, the Republic of Iceland

Francesco La Camera
Director-General, IRENA

Rennier Gadabu
Minister for Climate Change, the Republic of Nauru

Jo?o Pedro Matos Fernandes
Minister for the Environment and Climate Action, Portugal

Rola Dashti
Executive Secretary, UN ESCWA

Cristina Duarte
Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on Africa

Abdullah Bin Mohammed Belhaif Al Nuaimi
Minister of Climate Change and Environment, the United Arab Emirates

Jorge Rivera Staff
National Secretary of Energy, the Republic of Panama

Georges Pierre Lesjongard
Minister of Energy and Public Utilities, the Republic of Mauritius

Anatoly B. Yanovsky
Deputy Minister of Energy, the Russian Federation

Mustapha Bakkoury
Director General of Masen (Agency for Sustainable Energy), the Kingdom of Morocco

Dymphna van der Lans
CEO, Clean Cooking Alliance

Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndhlovu
Minister of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Zimbabwe

Per Heggenes
CEO, IKEA Foundation

Gesler E. Murray
Minister of Mines and Energy, the Republic of Liberia

Patricia Espinosa
Executive Secretary, UNFCCC

Indu Shekhar Chaturvedi
Vice-Minister of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, India

Sheila Oparaocha
Executive Coordinator, ENERGIA

Rafael Mariano Grossi
Director General, IAEA

Lee Seong-ho
Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Republic of Korea

Charles I. Obichang
Minister of Public Infrastructure and Industries, Palau

Werner HOYER
President, EIB

Aminath Shauna
Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Maldives

Salvador Handal
Executive Secretary, National Energy Council of El Salvador

Kitack Lim
Secretary-General, IMO

Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana
Executive Secretary, UN ESCAP

Francesco Starace

Ith Praing
Permanent Secretary of State, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Cambodia

Hans Olav Ibrekk
Special Envoy for Climate and Security, Norway

Frans Timmermans
Executive, Vice-President, European Commission

Kadri Simson
European Commissioner for Energy, EU

Roberto Cingolani
Minister for Ecological Transition, Italy

Hammad Azhar
Federal Minister of Energy, Pakistan

Micha? Kurtyka
Minister of Climate and Environment, Poland

Udaya Gammanipila
Minister of Energy, Sri Lanka

Qu Dongyu
Director General, FAO

Mika Lintil?
Minister for Economic Affairs, Finland

Roberto A. Ordo?ez Wolfovich
Minister of Energy, Honduras

Kandeh Yumkella

David Lecoque
CEO, Alliance for Rural Electrification

Kate Brandt
Chief Sustainability Officer, Google

Dr. Rajiv J. Shah
President, The Rockefeller Foundation

Omran Hamad Al-Kuwari
CEO, Qatar Foundation International

Faryde Carlier
Director of Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia

Matthew Bishop
Senior Fellow, Brookings, and Former US Business Editor & New York Bureau Chief, The Economist

James Mwangi
Group Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer, Equity Group Holdings Plc

San Rahi
Executive Vice President, Growth & Innovation, Sid Lee

Randall Lane
Chief Content Officer, Forbes Media

Mohamed Alhaj
Founder & Director, Clean Energy 4 Africa

John Leo Algo
Deputy Executive Director for Programs and Campaigns, Living Laudato Si¡¯ Philippines

Kervelle Baird
SDG 7 Youth Constituency

Cathy Yitong Li
Fundraising Officer, COY16

Svante Myrick
Mayor, City of Ithaca

Vijjasena Sugiono
Chair, US National Student Energy Consortium

Agnes de Costa
Senior Officer, Ministry of Energy, Brazil

Asser Berling
Head of Department, Centre for Global Climate Action, Ministry for Climate, Energy and Utilities, Denmark

Alfonso Rodr¨ªguez
Deputy Minister, Energy Saving and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Dominican Republic

Carla Montesi
Directorate-General for International Partnerships, the European Commission, EU

Pedro Ballesteros
Senior Administrator, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission, European Union

Riku Huttunen
Director General of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Finland

Helena Sar¨¦n
Head, Smart Energy Business, Finland

Dinesh Dayanand Jagdale
Director General, International Relations, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, India

Anna Hjartard¨®ttir
Deputy Director General, International Affairs and Development Cooperation, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Iceland

Nicola Bazzani
Deputy Head of the Office for Energy, Environment and Sustainability, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy

Kikuchi Nobuyuki
Director, Resource Security Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan

Perks Clemency Ligoya
Permanent Representative of the Republic of Malawi to the United Nations, Malawi

Yoka Brandt
Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations, Netherlands

Goddy Jedy Agba
Minister of State for Power, Nigeria

Kabir Yusuf
Technical Adviser on Energy and Emission, Ministry of Environment, Nigeria

Sardar Mohazzam
Managing Director, National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, Pakistan

Andrey Maximov
Director of the Department of Electric Power Industry Development, Ministry of Energy of Russia, Russian Federation

Fareed Alasaly
Senior Advisor to HRH Minister of Energy, Saudi Arabia

Laura Mart¨ªn Murillo
Director, Just Transition Institute, Spain

Nawal Al-Hosany
Permanent Representative of the UAE to IRENA, United Arab Emirates

Kate Hughes
Director, International Climate and Energy, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, United Kingdom

Eamon Ryan TD
Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Ireland

Janine Alm Ericsson
State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden

Raymond Ghajar
Minister, Ministry of Energy and Water, Lebanon

John Kerry
Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, United States of America

Dar¨ªo Mart¨ªnez
Secretary of Energy, Argentine Republic

Seleshi Bekele
Minister for Water, Irrigation and Energy, Ethiopia

Mary Warlick
Deputy Executive Director, IEA

Ismahane Elouafi
Chief Scientist, of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, FAO

Pablo Fajnzylber
Acting Infrastructure Vice President, World Bank

Maria Neira
Director, WHO

Sanda Ojiambo
CEO & Executive Director, UN Global Compact

Ivan Vera
Senior Energy Advisor on behalf of the Global Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network, UNDESA

Heidi Schroderus-Fox
Director, UN OHRLLS

Stephanie von Friedeburg
Senior Vice President, Operations, IFC

Helen Watts
Senior Director, Global Partnerships, Student Energy

Hubert Danso
CEO, Africa Investor

Feng An
Founder and Executive Director, Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET)

Krisitna Skierka
CEO, Power for All

Robert Stoner
Deputy Director, MIT Energy Initiative/ Director, Tata Center for Technology and Design

Jacqueline Kimeu
Coordinator, Alliance of Civil Society Organisations for Clean Energy Access

Reema Nanavaty
Director, Self-Employed Women¡¯s Organization

Guangqing Liu
Director, China Alliance for Clean Cookstoves

Koen Peters
Executive Director, GOGLA

ZHU Guangchao
Deputy CTO, State Grid Corporation, China

Angela Wilkinson
Secretary-General and CEO, World Energy Council

Wiebe Boer
CEO, All On, Shell

Jennifer Layke
Global Director, World Resource Institute

Bill Hare
CEO, Climate Analytics

Irene Giner-Reichl
Chairperson, Global Women¡¯s Network for the Energy Transition

Tasneem Essop
Executive Director, Climate Action Network

Edwin Huizing
Executive Director, Hivos

Hela Cheikhrouhou
Chair and Executive Officer, Nithio

Teddy Mpinganzima Mugabo

Sumant Sinha
Chairman and CEO, Renew Power of India

Chebet Lesan
Founder and CEO, BrightGreen Renewable Energy

Petteri Taalas
Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization

Yannick Glemarec
Executive Director, Green Climate Fund

Matthew Jordan-Tank
Director, Sustainable Infrastructure Policy & Project Preparation, EBRD

Rohey Malick Lowe
Mayor of Banjul, Gambia

Mohamed Adjei Sowah
Mayor of Accra, Board Member, Global Covenant of Mayors

Arantxa Tapia
Regional Counsellor for Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment, Spain

Shirley Rodrigues
Deputy Mayor of London for Environment and Energy/ Member, C40 Board

Mihskakwan James Harper
Clean Energy Leader, Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation, Treaty 8 Territory, Canada

Arvind Bodhankar
Chief Sustainability Officer, Ultratech Cement

RBM Tripathy
President, Operations, JK Cement

Eric Garcetti
Chair of C40; Mayor of Los Angeles, United States of America

Patrick Tonui
Head of Policy, GOGLA

Juergen Zattler
Director General, International Development policy, 2030 Agenda, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany

Shakti Ramkumar

Oluwadabira Abiola-Awe

Chibunna Ogbonna

Kayla Choi

Francisco Javier Lopez
Undersecretary, Ministry of Energy, Chile

Alejandra Bernal
Head of International Affairs of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Colombia

Alexander Trepelkov
Officer-in-Charge, Division for Sustainable Development, UN DESA

Reagan Moses
Secretary for Climate Change & National Resilience, Ministry of Environment, Nauru

Sarah Ashour
First Secretary, Head of the Economic and Financial (Second) Committee, Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations

Elise Labott
Columnist, Foreign Policy

Jo?o Galamba
Deputy Minister and Secretary of State for Energy, Portugal

Mark Carrato
Coordinator, Power for Africa

Gurdeep Singh
Chairman and Managing Director, NTPC Limited

Javier Papa
Undersecretary of Energy Planning, Energy Secretariat, Argentine

Miguel Figueroa
General Director of Electricity and Markets, Ministry of Energy, Honduras

P.M.K. Soonarane
Director Technical Services, Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities, Mauritius

Laurien Berkvens
Senior Policy Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands
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