
ECOSOC Partnership Forum Parallel Event: Inclusive Partnerships and Digital Global Citizenship Education

The 2025 United Nations ECOSOC Partnership Forum Parallel Event, Inclusive Partnerships and Digital Global Citizenship Education: Advancing Social Cohesion for a Sustainable Future, took place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City on February 4th, 2025, 3-5pm EST (New York Time). The goal of the event was to deliver insights on how Global Citizenship Education (GCED) fosters social cohesion, empathy, and action on global challenges through amplifying youth-led solutions leading to strengthened networks and improved implementation of digital learning tools to achieve Agenda 2030.

UN OSAA Academic Conference on Africa 2024

Academic Conference on Africa 3-5 December 2024 Power, Justice and the People Human Rights and the Rule of Law for Africa's Transformation

The UN OSAA 2024 Academic Conference on Africa took place from 3 to 5 December, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. New York Local Time. Under the theme "Power, Justice, and the People: Human Rights and the Rule of Law for Africa’s Transformation", the hybrid event was held at the United Nations Headquarters, Conference Room 2. It was broadcast on UN WebTV with live interpretation and streamed on the OSAA YouTube channel, with the possibility of engaging in real-time through the YouTube chat. ?

UN DESA Global Policy Dialogue: Preparing the Most Vulnerable for Future Shocks

UN DESA Global Policy Dialogue Series: Preparing the Most Vulnerable for Future Shocks, Monday, 25 Novemeber 2024 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. EST

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and UN Academic Impact (UNAI) hosted a special Global Policy Dialogues for the Classroom featuring the authors of the latest “World Social Report” on 25 November. UN experts presented in-depth, the major findings of this flagship report that examines the impact of converging crises on social development and calls for global action. The information was presented to highlight its relevancy for people working or studying in colleges and universities.

UN Summit of The Future Action Day Side Event: Peace not War

At this side-event during the UN Summit of the Future, under the theme "A Peaceful Future for All," distinguished speakers explored how concrete actions in peace, justice, and inclusion can advance the Sustainable Development Goals. They emphasized the need for integrating collaborative approaches into the broader framework of international cooperation, as outlined in the Pact for the Future. Learn from the peace processes in Colombia and Ireland how concrete actions on inclusion, good institutions, information integrity and education can be key drivers of peace.

Building Bridges through Science Diplomacy: Accelerating progress toward sustainable development.

The Summit of the Future (September 2024) was a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance cooperation on critical challenges and address the knowledge-action gap in global governance, reaffirm existing commitments including to the Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Charter, and foster a reinvigorated multilateral system that is better positioned to positively impact people’s lives. At the same time, there is growing awareness among Member States and across the UN system of the vital role of science as a critical, cross-cutting tool to support multilevel, multisectoral action across the entire multilateral agenda.


Engaging Youth and Academia with Data for the Future Session 2

Ahead of the once-in-a-generation Summit of the Future, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs continued to build on its interdisciplinary strength to evaluate the continuing social and economic impacts of the pandemic, global conflicts and climate change, providing UN Member States and key stakeholder groups with policy recommendations and support for a transformative, sustainable and inclusive recovery that delivers progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Engaging Youth and Academia with Data for the Future Session 1

Ahead of the once-in-a-generation Summit of the Future, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs continued to build on its interdisciplinary strength to evaluate the continuing social and economic impacts of the pandemic, global conflicts and climate change, providing UN Member States and key stakeholder groups with policy recommendations and support for a transformative, sustainable and inclusive recovery that delivers progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

HESI Global Forum 2024: The Future of Higher Education for Sustainable Development

Event flyer with a library in the background, event title, date, time and place

Each year, the  organizes a global forum as a special event to the – the UN’s main platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The forum highlights the critical role of higher education in achieving sustainable development.

Launch of SET4HEI: Sustainability Evaluation Tool for Higher Education Institutions

The 17 SDG blocks on a classroom table

'Measuring higher education’s contribution to the SDGs', on 15 July 2024, launched the . The hybrid event included a panel discussion and the presentation of the final SET4HEI self-evaluation indicators and certification. The recording is now available online on the .

Panel discussion on "Strengthening Gender Equality in Generative AI"

illustration of women at work, study and hobbies against a binary code background

This event aimed to facilitate a discourse on academic research related to generative AI with a specific focus on advancing, promoting, and safeguarding gender equality. It delved into the incorporation of human flaws, such as gender bias, into generative AI systems and emphasized the responsibility of academia and users in ensuring gender equality within these applications.