COVID-19 Mitigation Measures
Please note the following COVID-19 related measures:
Accredited media representatives must be fully vaccinated to access UNHQ and carry proof of vaccination with them.
By swiping their UN-issued pass, all media representatives entering UNHQ confirm they have not had symptoms consistent with COVID-19 in the last 5 days or a positive COVID test result in the last 5 days
Persons experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection such as seasonal flu are required to stay at home.
The use of masks at UNHQ is voluntary but may be requested in some cases of close proximity. In-person attendance at briefings, stakeouts and meetings may be limited in order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.
These measures will be continuously reviewed and adjusted depending on how the health situation evolves and on the regulations of the host state and the United Nations.