• (DCF) - Theme “Transforming international development cooperation: from global dialogue to action” - 9th and 10th plenary meetings: Trends and progress in international development cooperation (); Elections, nominations, confirmations and appointments - Item 4; Panel discussions (12-13 March) ( and provisional programme) ()
  • (CSW) 69th session – 6th and 7th plenary meetings (10-21 March) - Ministerial round table 2; General discussion (cont.) () ()
  • UN Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee) First part of the resumed seventy-ninth session - 27th plenary meeting - Improving the financial situation of the United Nations ) (Item 141) (, (); Programme budget for 2025 (Item 139) Revised estimates resulting from decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council at the organizational session for its eighteenth cycle  (, () (12 March)
  • Peacebuilding Commission First annual strategic dialogue with the Peacebuilding Fund at the ambassadorial level (12 March)

Forthcoming meetings:

The United Nations observes designated days, weeks, years, and decades, each with a theme, or topic. By creating special observances, the United Nations promotes international awareness and action on these issues. The majority of observances have been established by resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, although some have been designated by UN specialized agencies. The United Nations also observes anniversaries of key events in its history.